Suddenly my phone's ring and without checking the ID I picked it up

"Where are you?" Instead of Aditi's voice it was Raghav.

"At my office? What happened..? Why are you asking?" I asked.

"Riots happens between two communities. People are roaming on the roads with knives, swords and stones. They are burning cars, shops, busses and destroying the public property. There is no area in the city which wasn't effective even the riots reached to the village in just few minutes." His voice was loud and little harsh. I can hear the noises of rioters behind him.

"Why I wasn't informing?" I stood up from the chair.

"I also came to know about fifteen minutes. Call your family members first and confirm that if they are safe or not. Asked them not to come out from the house." He said in hurry and suddenly noises started coming out from my office too. I walked out from my office to the main gate and can see people are tried to climb the main door of collectorate office.

"They reached here." I whispered on the phone while looking at the rioters then suddenly someone throw a stone and it hit me on my head. My team surrounded me immediately and they asked me go back inside the office.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Raghav asked me in phone.

"Nothing, I am fine. I'll call you later." I cut the call and after reaching inside the office I dialled everyone's number of my family.

"Nikhil where are you?" I asked while applying the pressure with handkerchief on the cut I got from stone and try to stop the blood which was oozing out.

"I stuck in the office. I need to go home Dhruv. Rayansh has the high fever." I can hear the panic in his voice.

"Don't worry. I'll ask Raghav to manage high security for you and bring you home safely." I assured him and after hanging up I called everyone and confirm that they are at home.

But when I called Aditi, her phone was still switched off which was enough for to race my heartbeats.

I immediately dialled the number of her dean and he picked up my call in one ring, "Where is Aditi? I need to talk to her."

"Sir, After I heard about the riots, I bring all the students in the lobby of the college but Aditi is not here. I thought you came here to pick her."

"She is not with me damn it. And how irresponsible you are? When you came to know about Aditi is not there then why the fuck you didn't confirm me?" I shouted on him.

Whole city was burning and my wife my Aditi was missing. I run my fingers in my hair and dial Raghav's number.

"I know it's not my aptitude but I still have some power of police. I am taking care of this riots. I don't know how you will manage but I need you here in five minutes with your team." I ordered him while greeting my teeth.

I dialled the number in cyber cell and give them Aditi's number to find her last location. By the time I dialled few numbers in my phone Raghav came to my office with his team. They have all saluted me including Raghav.

Yes, he is working under me.

Raghav and his team gather in one room, including my team and I was standing in-front of them with determination to control the situation in next few hours.

"Apply IPC section 144 in whole city. Arrest those who is taking part in riots, use extra police force, jet spray or tears gas shells. Just don't let the crowd gather in one place. Help people who stuck in this riots or outside the home. I am announcing the curfew of next 24 hours. I want this riots control in next three hours Understand......" I speak loudly to clear everything.

The Broken Souls  (Beyond the love)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon