Chapter 38: Relief and closure

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"You know I still blame myself for Giana's death," I state, lying my head on his chest, he protectively wrapping his right arm around me, grabbing my right lower shoulder but upper arm.

"You shouldn't, it was not your fault," he sympathetically states, pointing to a shooting star.

"Anurak, if I had figured it out fast, she would still be alive," moving up to face him, making eye contact with each other. Feeling my eyes water, he sits up, moving closer to me. He engulfs me with his long and muscular arms, protectively, one hand on my back and the other holding my head.

"She was cutting herself, Tiana, the day after Santiago had broken their friendship up... so we had to make sure she was not losing too much blood, Chai said we should go for her organs. I never knew Santiago broke their friendship up. I guess everyone has their secrets. Everyone has a part of themselves they hide from the people they love." He moves me closer towards him, "She told me to take good care of you, and honestly, I hopefully can take good care of you," he reassures me, pulling away from him, taking his hoodie that I am wearing to wipe the tears away. The oversized sleeves, cover my hand, swiftly moving my palm to rub against under my eyes, to remove tears.

"Come, enough of you blaming yourself for Giana's death, she was cutting herself, so we obviously killed her first, but it was not your fault. She was walking from the river by Adesh's dorm when we started noticing she was spying on us... Enough sappy, sad and sombre on our first date. Let's enjoy each other's company before we can not be together until we are older," Anurak insists, moving me to lay on him again, watching the stars.

"You know I can get use to your company, but I still hate you," I utter, moving my attention to Anurak, his face lights up, a cocky smile grows on that perfect yet malicious face of his.

Kind of hot but also scaring me. What is going on in his mind?

"We both know you are lying, honey. If you hated me, you would have ratted me out a long time ago," Anurak retorts. He moves his hand to place it just under my chin, his thumb softly strokes over my bottom lip.

"I am protecting Taeyong and my family," I remark, looking at his lips, his tongue ever so slightly licks his bottom lip, biting it as his tongue retreats back to his mouth.

"That has never stopped you before," he says inching closer towards me.

"If I kiss you, and you do not like the kiss you are welcomed to return it anytime," he teases me, running his thumb over my bottom lip again but this time playfully pulling the lip.

His phone begins to ring, interrupting the moment. I pull away, he does the same. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, accepting the call.

"What!" he agitatedly groans, he starts rubbing his eyebrows with his middle finger and thumb, his pointy finger lays on the bridge of his nose. He closes his eyes, making me anxious about what is going on.

What is going on? Why does he seem so agitated? Is he in trouble? Is he going to be okay?

Opening his eyes, he looks at me with worrisome, he gets up standing on two feet and walks further away from me, making it hard to eavesdrop. One thing in which I am certain about, is he does not seem happy about whoever is calling him and about the information. 

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