Chapter 37: Hospital

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Walking through the hospital doors letting the smell of sanitizing liquids and anaesthesia hit me. Walking to the front desk placed on the first floor. A man that looks like he is nineteen or twenty looks up at me, smiling.

"How can I help you?" he kindly questions.

Returning the kind smile, "Yes, I am looking for Amahle Mapung? She was admitted to the hospital about a week ago, and she was in the HCU room and only immediate family could visit but her sister told me that she was improving and was moved into a room."

"Let me check for you quickly," he announces, diverting his attention to the computer, moving the mouse around. He starts typing away.

The sound of keys being typed reminded me of the first time Giana and I were training at the agency, we had to learn how to hack through systems and the main computer codes that people use. We also learnt how to make our computer program for emergencies. The computer keys stop clicking, drawing me from reminiscing more about the old days.

"She is on floor four, in-room C32, on the west wing," he responds, making eye contact with me, still having a warm, kind smile on.

"Thank you so much," I thank him and give him a warm smile in return.

Walking towards the west side of the hospital. Looking at the elevators, pressing the button with my right hand, in my left hand was a present for her.

Someone steps beside me, pressing the up button again.

"Are you going up?" he kindly queries, making me nod in return and smile. I can not see his face, from the hoodie blocking it. The elevator doors open, making a 'ping' sound. We walk into each other.

"Sorry, you can go first," I utter, moving back to give him space. His hoodie falls off, revealing someone I know, a friend that Giana use to tease me about.

He looks a little older than me, I won't lie he is a little cute; his black hair in a haircut that looks like an anime haircut, his brown eyes look so beautiful. It was like the soil that makes mountains crumble, the soil that makes the most beautiful plants. His jawline could cut any fruit, from how sharp it is. His eyelashes were thick, gorgeously thick. Why do men always get the best thick eyelashes.

Not me simping for a guy that I know. All do respect he got hotter than last time I saw him, and last time he was in a suit so that says a lot.

"No, you should go considering you were here first," he moves out, his voice sounds genuinely kind, he moves out the way, extending his hand to show me the way.

What a gentleman!

I knew that sweet melody voice anywhere but playing along until we are both alone in the elevator.

"How have you been Mr. mystery-boy?" I jokingly giggle.

"My name hasn't changed yet, has it?" he laughs, I nod my head while trying to contain my laughter.

"What brings you to a hospital, I thought you were about gala's, racing cars and models, lots and lots of models," I remark

"Can I not go and see my friend in the hospital without being questioned or have stalkers, paparazzi or interviewers around me?" he retorts, pulling his free hand over his heart; the other hand is holding a boutique of flowers.

"It is nice to see you, how's your fam?" I query.

"They are good, wealthy but have a lot of family problems, almost like yours," he sneers, making me snort.

"Your dad at least asks if you're okay, my dad doesn't care about me, he still hasn't checked to see if I am okay but everyone else in my family has either texted or called me, making it known they care about me. Your family is too much, your dad cheating on your mom and your mom is still with him after it was exposed publicly. Your oldest brother is a complete fuckboy and not to talk about the fact he could legit be doing drugs is another conversation, your oldest sister is one hell of dramatic inserts b-word and your younger brother is addicted to concerta. Talk about family problems," I snort at him, getting him to chuckle, making me roll my eyes.

"I love this, I love how we always get along and understand each other even though we haven't been through the same things but seriously, you can say fuckboy but not the b-word," he states, hugging me with one arm. Laughing at the words that come out of my mouth The elevator doors open, we pull apart, looking for Amahle's room. Exiting the elevator, walking towards the west side.

"This is where we go our separate ways," Changying states, moving his eyebrows upwards, walking at a fast pace.

"I am C32," I state, looking at the numbers on the door.

C17, on the left side, was C18, picking up my pace, so I do not miss visitation hours.

"How was your flight from China?" I query him, he looks at me with a smirk.

"I took my dad's private jet honestly, maybe if we have the same gala's we are invited to again, we should meet up one of the days after or before for something to eat and catch up 'cause honestly, phone calls with you are hectic. You are always doing something and get distracted so quickly," he laughs, walking to the door that has'C32' letters on it, knocking on the door.

"Yeah we should," I respond, hearing a very vague, "come in".

He walks to the door C34. He swiftly moves his right hand to the knob of the door, pushing down and forward. I turn away from him and look to push the handle of C32 down and walk forward. The door smoothly slides open revealing Santo feeding Amahle pasta. Diverting their attention to us, looking guilty like they committed a crime.

I burst out laughing, "What do we have here, lovers? I think we have love birds caught in the act."

They all laugh at my comment.

"Tiana look after Amahle, while I am gone, I have to go fetch my little sister from her friend's house," he hugs her, not squeezing her too tight but gently. Saluting to me while walking to the door.

"Will do," I respond, going towards Amahle, wrapping my arm around her, she squeezes my hand.

"How are you feeling?" I questions, letting go of Amahle.

"How have you been keeping? Feeling better?" I investigates her physical state. I look at her, her face and arms are no longer purple or black but rather blue, you can tell she is healing. I know we are ex's but I still care about her.

"Good and better than before. Thank you for visiting me even after everything I said," she says as I walking past the chair.

"You are welcome," I say, making my way to close the door. 

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