Chapter 6: Pride

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Sucking up my pride and walking down the stairs. Everyone's attention is drawn towards me giving off a surprise expression, making me feel self-conscious. Yesterday, my period cramps got so bad that I started vomiting, thank goodness Lucas helped me; when I was vomiting, then to bed, feeding me food and helped me take the pain medicine that helped me sleep through some of the pain. I honestly just want food, so my stomach cramps do not get worse like it was yesterday. Walking to the pantry, trying not to make Anurak notice me. He is leaning on the pantry doors, not allowing me to open them or be unnoticed.

I just want food to stop my stomach cramps.

"Look Anurak I am sorry if I hurt your ego yesterday, but I am on my monthly testosterone visit and if I do not get something to eat, I will probably turn into a monster like you," smiling innocently while speaking.

My cheekbones are probably like what are you doing?

"So, you know I can be a monster," Anurak proudly states, patting the top of my head like I am his pet. He moves aside like a gentleman opening the door, I send him a sarcastic smile. Walking into the pantry and getting spicy chicken Ramen noodles. Walking out of the pantry, placing the noodles by my phone on the counter, facing it upside down, seeing my TXT photocard on the back. Taking the kettle and filling it with water. Opening the bowl cupboard, getting a noodle bowl, In the same cupboard, getting out a pot. Placing the pot on the stove, turning the stove on. Grabbing the kettle too, titling it over the pot. Putting the noodles in the pot and placing the lid over it. Making my way towards the fridge, to get myself a cold latte. Grabbing the frozen latte, accidentally bumping into someone.

"I am so sorry," I state, looking to see Daniel looking at me raising his eyebrow to the latte.

"I am on my monthly visit, leave me alone, this is the only thing helping me not kill people and is making it bare able to be able to go to school today," I state, walking over to the counter, leaving the stick of the latte by my phone. Turning on my heel towards the cupboard where I got the bowl, just above is the medicine cupboard. Opening the cupboard looking for period cramp relief. Getting the bottle and making my way to leave it on the counter as I pass it to go to see the noodles on the stove. Stirring the noodles, taking the pot to the sink, the closest sink to the stove. Pouring out excess water, putting the pot back on the stove. Adding in flavour and spices. Turing back to my latte stick, getting a cup and pouring the powder in the cup, putting the left over water from the cattle in the cup.

"You like Ramen?" Anurak baffles, diverting my attention from the noodles to him.

"Why would you like to know but yes," I answer, my phone makes a 'ping' sound. Anurak moves his eyes from me towards my phone. Putting the stove off, picking up my phone to see a message from Alex.

'Hey, so I just found out our Maths teacher is having a pop-up test today, I got it from Jack, cause we know his mom is head of the Maths department, so might want to study but you never got any info from mwah,' his message reads. I groan out of annoyance.

How can teachers always surprise us with tests, I now need to study for Maths, English and Afrikaans. Not to mention the essays for Biology and History. I have to read two books for English and finish my scientific report for physical science.

"What is wrong?" Daniel looks at me with concern, while I type on my keyboard.

'Hey, thanks so much, I really appreciate it, school has me wrapped around its finger, trying to pass school,' I reply to Alex, looking at Daniel.

"School is putting so much pressure on us, and I am so tired of it, like my social life went down as I am trying to keep my grades high. Now I honestly just want to pass," I ponder, putting my phone down.

"Welcome to grade ten, it gets more hectic from here," Daniel replies in a sweet voice, as he puts the noodles in the bowl and handing the bowl to me.

"Thank you," I state as I start taking the medicine and the latte.

"Does Tiana always have an attitude problem or does she secretly love me," Anurak cocks, a grin spreads across that wicked face of his, raising his eyebrows in amusement to me.

"No, I just do not like when egoistic manipulative people like you," I snarl at him, I send him a innocent smile while looking at him, his grin grows bigger.

Is that even possible for his grin to grow bigger?

Grabbing the chopsticks, putting them over the bowl.

"You are testing my patients, Tiana," Anurak amusedly states, a hint of anger in his voice. He puts his index finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose. Gladly smirking from whipping the grin off his face. His eyebrows crease and he looks almost amused as well as resentment towards me.

"Anurak, I am not testing your patients. You are just used to every girl wanting you because of your bad boy act but I can see through that. You are just scared to be lonely, so you cover it up by being a fboy. You also bring people down to make yourself feel better. You are not used to an educated girl not bending her back for you and giving you what you want. You are not used to having to make a girl like you because you have good looks. Unlike most girls, I do not like a man or anyone for that fact telling me what to do. You need to stop acting like you are the only powerful person because you are not, it is your parents that are powerful and so are my parents. Grow up and see that not everyone is going to like you. Grow up and see that not every girl is going to flatter their eyelashes for you and push their chest out," I snap at him, and he looks at me shocked and then smirks. Everyone looking at us with shock and horror.

I am hungry and he is wasting my time. I do not have time to be in his shenanigans when my mind and body is focus on eating food.

"Would not you like to ride me?" Anurak growls with glee, I start to walk out the kitchen with my phone being held by the inside of my elbow, the bowl in the same hand. The medicine and latte in the other, making my way towards the exit of the kitchen.

"I just said something about me not having an attitude and instead I have brains. Yet you still dare to say something like that, do you even listen to me or did you hear me. There are two different things," I retort, walking towards the stairs.

"No, I just like annoying you to the point where you want to kill me," Anurak says with a sly smirk.

"Well, it is working, I am thinking of how to murder you," I say as I roll my eyes and start taking my noodles upstairs to my room. Anurak really knows how to make me angry; I swear I almost started plotting his murder.

It was so unfair that he could rail me up and then expect me to not get mad or to not have any type of expression or reaction to his actions.

Maybe I can inject insulin under his tongue, so it makes it look like he has undiagnosed diabetes. If he was tested for cause of death, it wouldn't be detected as insulin unless they did a specific test for insulin and there will be no record of the injury or me injecting it into him. It would only come back that he has undiagnosed diabetes. I remember when I was training to be with the agency, that is how to be an unsuspected serial killer.

That would work but how can I get insulin and make it look like I had nothing to do with his death. People already know I don't particularly take an interest in him, which means I would be one of the first suspects. 

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