Part 1 of Chapter 24: Bickering

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"What took you guys so long to get back from the long walk, I was so worried about-" Anurak inquires but I immediately stop him

"Oh my gosh, Lee Anurak was worried about someone for the first time. Would you like an award?" I mock him.

Taeyong starts having a laughing fit and Anurak looks like he is going to kill me.

"I never cared, I was just worried that I would have to explain to my dad that Taeyong is dead," Anurak remarks, trying to play it cool.

"So, you were worried about Taeyong dying?" I question him, smirking at how I use his words against him and twisted his words to make it seem like something else. Taeyong's laughter dies down, and my smirk goes up to my ears.

"No, I was worried that my dad might kill me because my little brother was doing something idiotic that got himself killed," Anurak remarks in a bitter tone, he is starting to get annoyed by me, but you can hear the playfulness in it as well.

"Let me guess you are so self-preserving that you only care about what happens to you," I question, as I raise my eyebrow, trying to read him.

"Yes, why would I care about anyone but me," Anurak proudly declares as a smirk starts growing on his face. My smirk drops, turning into a jaw drop.

"This is the reason you can never keep a girlfriend. Your ass has to be jealous of the shit coming out your mouth," I spitefully verbalise a rude thought. His smirk drops all the way to the realm it came from.

"And this is why you can not keep a boyfriend," Anurak retorts implying my rude comment.

"Guys, I can not have my best friend and my brother fighting, cut it out or go somewhere else that is not in front of me to sort it out," Taeyong grunted towards Anurak and me but trying to stop laughing.

"I do not have time for a little girl," Anurak states as he puts one hand through his gorgeous hair and smirks like an egotistical jerk he is.

"I do not have time for a boy who thinks they are a man," I comment and walk towards my room. Ignoring the comment Anurak says, "And I do not have time for people who think they are better than everyone."

So you do not have time for yourself?

Walking straight into my room, flopping my body down on the bed. My body is so tired it just collapsed on the bed.

I need sleep, today was a long day and tomorrow I need to be on my A-game.

I close my eyes. My thoughts dying down, my mind instantly starts thinking about one person. I quickly ignore that person from being on my mind. I clear my mind of that person, letting the darkness consume me.

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