Chapter 4: Mission?

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The school bell rings, implying the school day is over. Picking up my bags, making my way to exit the school. Looking for a specific car, but instead, see a familiar face and letting her lead us to their car. We get into the back seat, and she says, "Flamingo."

We put our bags on the floor and grab the iPads on the middle seat. She drives us under the N3 bridge and says, "You can open the iPads and read."

I log into the table and it says, "Mission: Camp Nonka"

"Camp Nonka has had children disappear. No trace of anything of the children, all evidence has been wiped of the children being there. The children and teenager's suitcases have also gone leaving no trace of them being at the camp. Children and teenagers have been missing for the past two months. The children have also said that strange things happen at the camp. There was said to be food poisoning two years ago. The children go missing during the night, during the day some teenagers say that there are weird and/or dodgy men walking around and looking at them. Most girls that have curves and/or healthy go missing. Males that are good at sports have also gone missing. The trend of children and teenagers going missing is the healthy ones with no health problems. No one can seem to find out how they are going missing or what is happening to them.

Mission: Find where the children and teenagers go and who is behind this."

"You guys will have to go; I will take you back to school. You have to do good and get to the top and best in boxing to go to the camp, it is, unfortunately, the only way to get in is only the sportspeople. I know Tiana is the top in boxing but both of you have this mission, so Giana you have to get to the second best. You guys will go to the camp next week Wednesday till the end of April holidays. You have to find who is behind the attacks," she informs, entering the school parking lot. Not realizing the messenger had been driving as we were reading.

"Good luck and make us proud again," the messenger says as we jump off and get our bags. I start making my way towards the gym for boxing as one of my extra curricular. On my way there, I stop, seeing Aryan making out with Amber. My eyes start to tear up.

You are better than him, I am better than him... He left me for someone who isn't even as smart as me, shame on him. It is not my fault he left me.

My sombreness turning into anger. Ignoring my emotions, starting to walk towards the gym trying not to allow emotions to get me distracted off my route.

Emotions will distract me from winning the mission, think about the mission, how I have to win.

Entering the change room, to change into my boxing clothes- they are easier to move in when it comes to being in the ring. Opening my tog bag, pulling out a black matching boxing pants and bra - the sports bra has black pads in it, as the rest of it is a fishnet, the pants are high waisted tights. Changing into them.

After changing I pull a loose cropped blacktop over the bra, so no one can see my cleavage that well.

Walking out of the bathroom, to find Giana walking into the bathroom.

"Hey, I will see you in the gym right. You are not doing netball today but boxing?" I inquire about her, she nods in my response. Passing me to get change. Walking out of the bathroom towards the gym, Amber and Aryan are still sucking the air out of each other.

I still can not believe he left me for her.

Feeling a sudden rush of sadness and regret changing swiftly into anger. Walking into the gym, my hand was into a fist, my nails were digging into my palms. It will most likely leave a small scar. I look at Anurak making out with Stefani. Stefani is the it girl in our school, redirecting my attention to Taeyong. He starts walking towards me, at the same time I put my bags down against the wall.

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