Chapter 23: Respect

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"This is unacceptable! Giana is gone because you and her were relaxing and not taking this mission seriously," my manager fumes about. I internally roll my eyes because my manager despises me, and it is known.

"We are adding someone more capable of doing this mission, I told you not to add Tiana to a mission this serious," my manager rants on about, looking at the Big Boss.

"Get us agent R one," the Big Boss says through the desk phone.

This agent has to be well respected because of their name and rank. Your rank changed, like mine s D-2 which means I'm the second highest in the group I was brough in and trained for.

Someone with heavy footsteps walks in and stands beside me. It was Taeyong, I did not know that he moved up ranks. I knew he was a spy but never knew he moved up. Later, I must remember to ask him how he moved up the ranks. I want to also be D-1 and not D-2. The numbers after the alphabet tells other agents how good you are. The alphabet tells the gets which course you studying in when you got recruited; if you studied bodyguard, assassin, spy or hacker.

"This female over here has lost one of our very valuable spies, she is one herself but you need to help her on this mission. The information about the mission, you will be able to see after this meeting. Also, make sure she does not screw up again, I think she is only good at luring guys and getting information from them and assassinating people. Not missions so serious like this one," my manager disrespectfully spits out.

My hands curl up to a fist beside myself. I must keep my cool.

"I am a female, and I will not be spoken to like a child that did something wrong," I finally gather enough courage to speak.

"No, you lost a valuable agent and you have not found only useful information on this mission," my manager hisses at me.

"Yes, I get that but this is something different, it is like all the clues Giana and I gathered were leading us astray," I insist.

"Or you are just a dumb female and can not piece together anything. You only have a good body, that is probably how you got the other missions done. You are only good when it comes to getting the men in bed," my manager roars from across the room. You can hear the echo from outside the door in the passage.

"I am a female, and I can do things that a man can do and more. I can do all a man can do while bleeding. Females deserve respect. In this agency you only treat us with respect after we finish a mission or how would you say it is 'using our bodies to get missions done and then only giving us praise, not even respect us.' We are not just pretty faces with bodies for men to adore and say how good our body is. We females can bring life into the world, and you bet your ass we can also take it out. Do not ever underestimate me. You guys want to fix world problems, but you wont even fix a problem inside The Agency- the sexism in here. I know I screwed up and I take full responsibility, but I do not deserve to always be treated like this. I am one of your best assassins that you have in the agency. You need me. I might not be the best spy but not everyone can be a polymath," I snap.

"We do not need you, we picked you and we can easily-" my manager was instantly cut off by the big boss slamming their hand down, on the table. Fear running through my veins. Complete silence takes over, no one dares to utter a word.

"We need Tiana but we do not need you," the big boss motions their hands to the guards standing beside the door, "You and Tiana have always been at each other's throats since we assigned you to be her manager," the Big Boss speaks as two other men walk in and they all drag my manager away.

"You will get a new manager," the Big Boss says, as 'em stands up and starts walking out. No one knows if the Big Boss is a female or male. I make eye contact with Taeyong.

He moves his left hand, straightening his middle and index finger, doing a salute to me and the Big Boss. He turns on the balls of his feet and walks out the door. He walks a few feet behind the Big Boss.

I let out a sigh as I take in what just happened. I salute to the guards by the door and make my way to exit the room. I walk through the passage with all the respected and admired agents hanging on the wall, you could say it is like a gala with the photos. We have respected agents and agents who sacrificed their lives for The Agency.

I remember when I first got recruited, I looked at the photo's and thought being an agent would be like what they portrayed it to be in the movies and books but I was so wrong. I remember all the hard training, and how I hated learning about snipers, it is quite ironic that I now specialize in snipers. Well now I prefer being an assassin over a spy, but I specialize in both including being a bodyguard and hacker. Honestly spying for me is harder than all the others. Assessing people is easier for me. You do not have to ask questions or anything, just have to shoot them. You do not always have to look for clues. It is just an easy kill with either a sniper or poisoning their food or drinks.

"Any clues that you have about the mission?" Taeyong investigates about the missions. I bite my lip and shake my head.

"C'mon I know when you are hiding something," he insists as I have a flashback.

"Agent D 2, I think I figured out something about the kidnapping," Giana adds through our bracelets. I get my sniper in place where the two men in suits are.

"Agent S 2 what is it," I speak to my bracelet as I get my sniper looking directly at them.

"Well, to be honest, Giana knew something before she was taken," I answer him as I snap back to reality. He knows when I bite my lip sometimes I can hid something. I need to stop that, in case on a mission it gets me caught.

He nods at me, his jaw clenches as his right-hand grips on to his phone. Worry makes its way to his face.

"We should probably get going," he says as he starts walking, back faces towards me.

"So you have a small two hundred rand phone that you brought to camp?" I question. Taeyong nods, not making eye contact with me but rather starts walking away. 

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