Though, Remi seemed to do it on purpose, to move swift and graceful.

Alexius was more sharp and quick. He moved with an unbelievable flexibility and power. He was like a cheetah in the way he moved. His long legs brought him backwards, then forward, allowed him to fling himself up into the air, then easily land back down. He had tied his hair back into a short ponytail to keep it out of his face, his green eyes sharp and intelligent, analyzing everything going on around him. I could feel his power pulsing through the air, stirring it as he moved.

He clanged his sword against Remi's, ducking attacks, parrying like an expert. His foot work was amazing and it was almost like he was purposely being careful not to rip up the grass because he lifted his feet so they only brushed the surface of the grass before stamping back down firmly, not sliding or tearing around.

How beautiful.

"General Killian, you're staring." I jumped, snapping my head to see Xav staring at me, drawing an eyebrow up. I smirked, turning to face him and gesturing to his sword that he withdrew from its holster. I did the same, backing up a good few inches. Xav came at me first. He was small, so he moved fairly quickly, but he wasn't strong enough to land a staggering blow. Personally, I would have liked him to train with a bow and arrow, but he insisted on using a sword. He had a lot of pride, and I felt like it had a lot to do with the fact that he was the shortest in our unit.

"You seem faster than you were this morning." I pointed out, ducking a wide swipe and swinging my leg out to kick his, but he leapt over mine and flung his foot toward my face, but I threw myself back, then straightened up again to block a blow.

"Because this morning I was sluggish," Xav answered with a smirk, parrying another jab, "And now it seems you're rather distracted by General Alexius."

"What makes you say that?" I asked, dodging a thrust at my abdomen. Xav snorted as he ducked a swipe and spun around, jamming his elbow into my chest, making me wince and gasp for air. He went to spin his sword around and pretend to stab me with it, but I ducked away from him and swung my sword around, twirling them together until Xav's sword was torn from his grip and fell into the grass.

"You're watching him like he's the finest piece of meat in the camp." He told me, walking over and picking up his sword. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're not attracted to him?" I asked. Xav tsked, shaking his head as he sheathed his sword again, approaching me and casting Alexius a sideways glance before looking back at me.

"Not in the slightest. He's an incubus. It's physical attraction. That's all everyone's feeling. It's not love; it's lust. And I don't mean to be a downer, but that's all he's ever going to get. I for one prefer a nice set of breasts to hold onto." He grinned, making squeezing motions over his chest. I laughed, shoving him playfully and watching him join me in laughter. We joked for a moment longer before I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I instantly knew who it was and turned to my head just as Alexius snapped his head away. I smiled, amused by how he seemed so shy, and yet he was so honest. It was amusing.

But Xav was right. This was probably just a physical attraction. And I had no time to waste on becoming his lover. I had to sway him as quickly as possible in order to bring him back with the rest of the cambions.

We finished our evening training and went back to our tents to change out of our armor and into something more comfortable for dinner. I changed into a burgandy sleeveless turtleneck and black jeans before I tugged a pair of sneakers on, heading to the dining tent. Alexius and his group were already there. Once again, his men were laughing and chattering away freely while Alexius sat and watched them like a student watching a documentary during class. I could see him mentally taking notes on each person and their personalities, as if he were trying to figure them out.

Incubus [malexmale]Where stories live. Discover now