Book stuff and my past? Eh, not really my type

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Traveller, you're here," said one guard. "And it seems like you have another friend with you. May I ask who are you, miss?" "Hello, mister. My name is Kathlyne, a traveller of this nation," I greeted the two guards. "I was wandering around when I met these two other people like me. It seemed like I became unconscious when I did meet them, though," I mean, what else to expect?

"I see...well, if you are a friend of this young man as well, you may pass," said the other guard. At that time, since I barely talked to them in-game, I kinda feel bad of not talking to them a lot. Well, it wasn't needed, so...not my fault. "Thank you, dear guards! We will go forth into the headquarters!" Paimon said while the three of us went inside the place.

Of course, it was completely identical like in-game. Each plant is at the exact places, including the room placements. I don't know how I memorised all of that, but I guess it came to mind.

"Where should we go first?" Paimon asked to Aether. "Maybe the library, if Kathlyne is ok," he replied. "Oh, I'm ok with that," I said. "I like reading, anyways." That statement was...halfly true, considering using friggin' WattPad because of boredom, but not entirely into reading. I also do writing and gaming as well, ya know.

When we went inside the library, it was HUGE. Like, huge, huge. Bigger than what in-game library looked like. Or maybe it was my imagination. Either way, it was big.

We went downstairs to the ground floor of the library to check on some books. Aether's and Paimon's selection was quite the simple one. Aether for adventures, and Paimon for kid fairytails. My one was history, though. I would sometimes have history related vids in TikTok, which I don't usually use (TikTok) actually, and it would satisfy me enough already.

Anywaays...I was just flippin' around the pages, reading how Khaenri'ah was gone, how Monstadt's dragon dude became bad (recent update on the book), Liyue's lawing system and how it evolved, bleh bleh-bleh (yes, it's the bleh bleh-bleh). However, something caught my eye, which reads:

The Universal Traveler

It looked like it wasn't even history anymore, but when I went through the chapter, I realized that it was the recorded times when that 'Universal Traveler' arrived, which was a few centuries each visit. The last time the traveler came was when Khaenri'ah was being, ya know, tortured. The traveler (she/her) heard of the news and decided to go to Khaenri'ah to try to stop the chaos. However, she did not come back a few weeks later, meaning that she may be dead.

It was quite sad for her to be dead after revisiting the Genshin world so many centuries before. But with that topic, which other universes did she went to? The whole gaming multiverse? The anime universe? MY universe? None were recorded in the chapter, but one thing I saw was this part:

Her own world is quite different than ours, especially the timeskips. One month in her world is one century for us, meaning every 'five months', she would come back.

At that point, I knew I had to see when this chapter was updated. I ran to the receptionist and asked when the book was updated, which the receptionist replied, "500 years after Khaenri'ah's destruction, which is this year," I thank the dude and went back to the table where Aether and Paimon were reading at. Paimon then asked, "Why did you asked the receptionist something? Was there something big going on?" "No, nothing big..." I lied. It was big, comsidering the fact that the 'Universal Traveler' died 500 years ago, which the next year going to be the 501st year since her disappearence.

Maybe she was a little late, but in the recorded chapter, she didn't miss her schedule of '500 years'. She even promised. Though promises weren't a big deal to be broken, this one was important as hell. Maybe it's just me, I don't know, but I don't think so. Then I remembered: My appearence here was sudden. Maybe there's something related to sudden appearence in the chapter.

So I read every little detail there was until I found it:

Sometimes, when it seemed like she would break the promise, she would suddenly teleport back here. She sometimes have memory loss when it does so, meaning that it would take a week before going back to her normal self.

I think I found it. The reasoning. My own appearence. Maybe I was the traveler. Maybe I suddenly disappeared. Maybe...I've forgotten the fact that I'm the 'Universal Traveler' everyone knew...and I'm NOT gonna care whatsoever. It's too dramatic, and I'm not gonna let THAT take over. Even if it is true, even if I AM the traveler legend, hec am I gonna give a freek on that. I'm a normal student, going through my normal life, while having an existensial crisis (sorta) over here.

Though...this information might be very important soon. But hold on for a sec. There was one thing in my mind, and I started rapidly look for that one part. Aether and Paimon were confused on my reaction on my findings, deciding to hol-up and ask, "Kathlyne...what are you doing?" I actually didn't realize I was that visible of 'interest' on this one book. "I was just...looking for that one page I wanna read!" I said, a little embarrassed on what was going on. "Since this is a history book, I might as well look for the history section I need!" Aether and Paimon looked at each other for a second, before Paimon said, "Ok, if you say so..."

Continuing on my search, I found what I was looking for:

She didn't stay in Monstadt only, though. She went to Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Natlan, Fontain and many other places. Sometimes her memory loss would let her forget her past adventures, though. Not her friends, mostly, just the adventure.

Yep, I knew it. Right there, I knew that I might need to go to the other regions. Sumeru, Natlan and Fontain, though...not yet, as it would spoil the entire game. At the moment I finished reading that part, Aether and Paimon were finished as well.

"Phew, Paimon's done reading!" Paimon said. "I'm done as well," Aether added. "Are you done with your searching, Kathlyne?" "Yep, just in the nick of time!" I replied, still concerned about my discoveries. Well, not concerned. That would be a lie.

"How about we go meet Master Jean next?" Paimon suggested. "Oo, that sounds like an important person," I said, pretending I don't know the person Tuonto mains in Genshin. "She's a cool one, too!" Paimon added. "Well, since Kathlyne sounds interested in her, then we'll do that next!" Aether decided. At this point, I was screaming in my head in excitement that I'm gonna meet my first five-star character besides Aether himself. But besides that, O have a little question to ask her...

If I am the Universal Traveller, dkes that mean I have a lot of work to do? If so, will I ever make it back into my own world..?


Me: "So...about the 'Universal Traveller' thing..."

Kathlyne: "Huh? That thing? I dunno, I forgot."

Me: "I know that. That's why I'm gonna ask her."

Kathlyne: "Wait - her? But...why?"

Me: "She seemed like the knowledgable one. Besides, she is the Princess."

Kathlyne: "Fair enough...but you gotta promise not to try to kill yourself, alright?"

Me: "Of course not! I promise!"

Kathlyne: "Well, I hope so...welp, we gotta go now to Master Jean, right?"

Me: "Oh, right! Let's go now! I bet they're waiting for us now!"


Oki, 'le end, gonna do part 3, gonna continue the other story later, maybe when I go back and do my examination...bai bai, and again, GUD LUCK TO YALL CLASSPEEPS ON UR EXAMINATION WHILE I'M GONE >:>

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