Dear diary... ||kirizono||

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A cringy diary entry from Sayaka's POV!! Sorry it's short but I'm thinking of writing the confession as a chapter?

Dear diary,

Kyoko is like the sun.

She's beautiful, bright (she's smart and she lights up a room whenever she walks into it, double meaning). She's funny and cool and so so talented. I love everything about her, but I want to list a few things that I appreciate most.

1. Her smile. It lights up a room and brightens my day. I'd do anything to see her smile. Whether it's her grin when someone does something funny or her smirk when she solves a mystery before a character in a show, I love it.

2. Her hair. Of course, you couldn't have a list of things you love about Kyoko Kirigiri without including her hair. The way her long, lavender hair falls perfectly down her shoulder. How pretty it is when it's in a ponytail and how soft it is to play with.

3. Her eyes. I've never seen anything prettier than Kyoko's eyes. The way her eyes light up when she figures something out, or the way they survey things and make everyone feel as if she knows something.

And number 4, the thing I love most.

Kyoko herself.

Kyoko and her witty comebacks, her perfect smile, her gentle way of comforting people.

Kyoko and her ability to solve any mystery, no matter how difficult.

Kyoko and her way of looking at life.

So, I guess I'm trying to say, I love Kyoko Kirigiri. I love everything about her and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm not sure how to tell her, when to tell her or even if I should tell her, but I know the feeling is there.

I usually find it hard to separate platonic and romantic feelings, I love everyone! But I know I love Kyoko more than anyone else, and the feelings I have for her are not strictly platonic.

I know this from the way butterflies erupt in my stomach whenever she holds my hand. I know this from the happy feeling I get when she's happy, because I'd hate for her to be sad. I know from how my thoughts get all fuzzy and muddled when she hugs me for a few seconds too long, and from how I think she's the prettiest and most talented girl in the world. Which she is.

Kyoko is one of my best friends and I'd hate to loose her to these feelings, but I don't want to just keep them hidden forever, so I'm going to tell her. I don't know what's going to happen or if she'll ever love me, but I know that no matter what, I will always love Kyoko Kirigiri. Even if she doesn't love me in the same way that I love her.

Because even if the world was ending, I'd still love kyoko Kirigiri.

Yours truly,

~Sayaka <3

491 words. I am so sorry this was kinda cringy and very short but, kirizono is underrated in my opinion, so I wanted to write some!!

~Danganronpa oneshots~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang