Double date! ||Detention part 2||

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Ishimondo and hagakureon, part 2 of 'detention!' :) kinda based off of a thing with vikyhusky78

'OMG HIROHIROHIRO!' Leon screeched across the ice-cream parlour. 'Yeah leo?'
Walking to the counter, the brunette put some rainbow sprinkles on his icecream and licked it. 'Gay tastes great'

Mondo and taka were being cute in the corner of the shop so naturally, Leon and hiro went to annoy them. 'Hey lovebirdsss~~'
'Hello leon! And you too hiro!' Kiyotaka cheerfully replied, ignoring the name Leon called him and his 'bro'. 'Whatcha talking about~~'
'Cmon mondo! Why'd ya go quiet~~'
'we were talking about you guys being in love!' Kiyotaka grinned, acting like he had no idea what he was doing. 'HaH wHaT?'
'Ur literally on a date right now-'
'Shut up mondo-'
'Hey! You want me to beat you u-' Kiyotaka slapped a hand over mondos mouth as a waitress walked over. Leon smirked and started playing with yasuhiros hair, laughing a little as he did so. Glaring at the red headed boy, the waitress giggled and twirled her hair around her finger, looking at yasuhiro. 'Hehe~ hi! Do you need anything~?' She asked, obviously flirting. 'hey! I think we're good, right guys?'

The other three boys nodded slowly, mondo (he gotta protect leon yk like a brother or smth) and leon glaring back at the girl after realising what she was doing. Winking, she walked away to get their drinks they had ordered earlier. 'Why are you death staring her, what did she do?' The clairvoyant asked, earning a grumble from Leon. 'Leon~ cmon tell me!'
'She was flirting with you!' The baseball star whined quietly, pouting like a child. 'Awh leo! Are you jealous~~'

Spotting the sandy-haired waitress walking back over, yasuhiro grabbed Leon and pulled him into a kiss. 'Uhm- Ugh whatever!' Turning her attention onto mondo, she flashed him a grin.
'No what~~?'
'I'm taken'
'I bet I'm prettier than her!' She mumbled, loud enough for the biker to hear. (So taka and mondo aren't dating yet, mondo just said they were if that makes sense?)

'He is very pretty, in fact you can see for yourself. Just look a little to the left of me'
'No i definitely like my boyfriend more than you' Leon confirmed, sticking his pierced tongue out. 'Boyfriend?!?!' The waitress and yasuhiro said in sync, the brunette bright red and the waitress angrier than she was before. 'That is if he'll be my boyfriend of course~~' The red-head winked.
'I uh- y-yes?'
'Ok sooo~ you can go away now'

Instead of leaving the waitress turned to kiyotaka, who looked at her slightly confused. 'You don't like him do you~?' She asked, waving in mondos direction. 'Who mondo? Well he is very pretty and extremely smart when he tries! He's strong, cool,  helpful and very nice! And he's a very good kisser and hot as he calls himself I suppose- so yes, I do! Also I'm gay so I have zero interest in you.' The hall monitor finally finished, fake smiling at the waitress who glared back and stomped off. 'I think you broke mondo'
'You broke yasuhiro, he's bright red I think he needs help-'
'No I'm fInE-'
'Yeah! If my boyfriend says he's fine then he's fine!'
'Jdjsjwkwkw boyfriend''

Yasuhiro and mondo both sat quietly muttering to eachother still blushing heavily. 'You've been calling us random compliments for like 3 minutes straight, (gay) are you guys ok?-' Leon asked finally, blushing slightly and glancing over at kiyotaka, who's usually pale skin was now bright red. The four flustered boys were an amusing sight for passing crowds and people. A few people had listened in on their argument with the waitress and were chattering and laughing about the flustered messes they had become after. 'HEY! WHENS UH BLACK HAIRED DUDE AND CORN HAIR GONNA GET TOGETHER?'
'Oh no- mondo no- MOndO-'

Despite their efforts to try and stop him, mondo got up and went over to the guy that shouted at them. Surprisingly, he didn't even raise his voice! The delinquent simply smiled, whispered something in his ear and walked back to the table, dramatically sitting down and leaning on his crush. 'Mondo what did you do?'
'Hmm- ok'

(5 minute time skip)

Yasuhiro and Leon had been flirting for the past 5 minutes, just to annoy taka. Mondo noticed this and decided to throw a fork at Leon who caught it. 'You threw something at the ultimate baseball star- I have like fast reflexes or smth I'm gonna catch it-?'

'You literally told me you would win a fight against me- it's basically part of my ultimate to fight every da- wait no ishi I didn't mean it-'
'I heard nothing'
'We broke taka, he pretended to not hear'
'don't break the guy I like Leon! Why'd you have to corrupt him!'
'The guy you what?' Kiyotaka questioned, turning to look at mondo who had slapped his hand over his mouth and was blushing. 'AHa- uhm- surprise~?'
'I like you too mondo!'
'Wait you do?!'
'Omg gay! So cute~'
'Way to ruin the moment babe-' Hiro laughed, the nickname causing his boyfriend to turn scarlet and stop teasing the other couple. (scarlet is a shade of red if u didn't know)

Suddenly, the guy that mondo whispered to jumped out of his seat and screamed some random words about 'knowing they would date as soon as he saw them and how he won the bet'. The two happy couples ended their date by going to the park and staying until the stars were out, Leon smiling stupidly listening to his boyfriend ramble on about different star constellations (Is that the word?) and mondo and taka cuddling next to them, taka eventually falling asleep and mondo carrying him to their dorm.

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