Prom! ||All||

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Non-despair au! All ships at prom! This will be written at different locations with different ships getting ready then altogether at prom! there will be ship and location changes! Sorry for not posting much <3

'Cmon, we gotta beat mondo there!' Leon whined, dragging yasuhiro out the door. 'ok, ok cmon! Let's go then!' The older replied, smiling and chuckling a little at the normally 'cool, laid back' boys childish behaviour. The two had insisted they were going as 'bros' much like taka and mondo did, but everyone knew that they weren't 'just bros'.

(Ship/location change : celesgiri!)

'You look stunning, dear' Celeste gasped, blushing lightly at her girlfriends beauty. They were one of the  'ships' as aoi, sayaka, Leon and a few others called them, that had confessed their feelings after realising them. 'Not as beautiful as you, my love' The detective smiled, light pink blush spread across her cheeks. 'I suppose we should get going' Celestia sighed, linking arms with her girlfriend and beginning to walk out the door. (She didn't sigh in a bad way- it was like a happy sigh of that's a thing?)

(Ship/location change: ikuzono + toko! ||toko is getting ready with them as a friend, not being shipped with them||)

'Toko, You look so pretty!' Sayaka exclaimed, calling mukuro over. She had taken toko's braids out and tied up some parts of her hair. 'A-are you s-s-sure?' Toko stuttered, spinning to look in the mirror. 'Of course we are sure' Mukuro confirmed, kissing Sayaka on the cheek. 'you look beautiful too of course, Sayaka dear' The black haired girl added, staring at her girlfriend, a small smile plastered on her face.

(Location/ship change: ishimondo)

'You look ho- NICE- you look very nice bro-' Mondo began to ramble about taka looking 'nice', blushing brightly. 'Thank you mondo! You look very nice too, we should be going now' Taka grinned, not noticing his crushes red face or nervous fidgeting. Grabbing the bikers hand, taka dragged him out the door and started walking to where prom was being held.

(Location/ship change: Naegami)

'You put your tie on wrong you imbecile, let me fix it' togami sighed, fixing makoto's tie and admiring the short brunette. Their 'moment' was interrupted by byakuya's phone ringing. Looking at the number quickly, the heir realised who was calling. 'One second love, my father is calling me'
'Byakuya' His fathers stern voice called through the phone.
'Yes, father?'
'Your prom is tonight, I hope you are going with celestia like I asked.'
'no. I am not'
'Why not?!'
'I'm gay?'
'I told you that's just a stupid phase!'
'it is not a 'phase', and I will be going to prom with my boyfriend, whom I love more than your old, tiny brain can even start to understand or imagine.' Togami stated confidently, grinning at makoto. (A rare thing he only does for makoto obviously) Ending the call and giving his flustered boyfriend a quick kiss, togami smoothed out his suit and they walked out the door hand in hand.

(Ship/location change: sakuraoi)

'You're so beautiful dear' Sakura smiled, pulling aoi into a side hug as they put the finishing touches on their outfits. 'I love you babe!' Aoi squealed, jumping up and down as the taller girl gently pulled her towards the door. 'We need to get going, Sayaka and makoto will be waiting for you my girl'
'I'm so excited, I love you so much!'
'I love you too!' The martial artist chuckled, making her girlfriend giggle and blush.

(At the prom!)

'HAH! I beat you mondo!' Leon screamed, hugging a blushing hagakure in celebration. Leon had decided to continuously compliment yasuhiro while waiting for mondo, making him a flustered mess. Makoto, Sayaka and Aoi were excitedly chatting in the corner while mondo stared at kiyotaka, who was happily talking to celestia, Kyoko, chihiro and mukuro. Sakura and Byakuya were staring at their partners, occasionally chuckling at their antics. (is that even a word?) Suddenly, the large, chocolate-brown doors opened to reveal a beautifully decorated gym and monokuma, who was wearing a suit.

'Now, before you all get drunk or whatever, we were gonna have a 'king and queen' but you're all lgbtq+ and I'm supportive so.... CROWNS FOR EVERYONE' monokuma's high pitched voice screeched as he started throwing crowns at his students.

(Near the end of the night....confessions time! First is hagakureon!)

'Hey- uh hiro! Can you come with me for a second?' Leon asked sheepishly, earning a confused look from hiro who nodded and followed him. 'I- uh so- ILIKEYOUOK-' (I like you ok-)

After taking a minute to process, hiro tilted Leon's head up so they were looking at eachother. 'I like you too leo~' The older boy confessed, blushing crimson. (Is that a colour?!) 'I- you do? Does that mean we're dating now?'
'If you want to then- yeah!'
Grinning, Leon pulled his new boyfriend into a kiss. Pulling away blushing they headed back inside, hand in hand.

(Ishimondo confession now!)

'So why'd you take me out here taka?' The biker questioned, looking around. 'I uhm- mondo, I have...romantic feelings for you! I thought you should know..'
'You do?!'
'I like you too bro!'

In response to taka's question, mondo pulled him into a kiss, which was cut short by applause behind them. 'Yes! My ship sailed!' Sayaka squealed, running off to get makoto leaving mukuro awkwardly standing there. 'I tried to stop her, I apologise' The soldier bowed quickly, leaving the two flustered boys to continue kissing.
'I love you taka~'
'I love you too mondo! But not appropriate for a schoo-' the hall monitor was cut off by his new boyfriend kissing him and their whole class clapping, squealing, shouting or giving nods of approval to the new couples.

Sorry it's short! I really wanted to post!

~Danganronpa oneshots~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ