When he pulls her heart out I fall to my knees, screaming, "No! No! No!" He smiles at me and tosses her heart to the floor, crushing it under his foot. "I'll kill you! I will end you!" I scream, and run towards him. He then disappears just as I reach him. I'm left alone with her dead body. I fall to my knees again, and I pull her lifeless body into my arms. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I couldn't protect you. I made a promise the day that I left, that I would protect you, always and forever. I broke that promise, I'm so sorry. Please come back to me. I can't bare to live without you. I need you."

Of course, she didn't answer my pleas, and I broke down. I clutched her body to me like it was all I needed, because truthfully, it was. As I lifted my hands up to close her eyes something appeared in front of me. A stake. I grabbed it and looked at it with tears still flowing out of my eyes. My vision was a little blurred by all of the tears, but I knew what I had to do.

I let go of Caroline and placed her on the ground, hands crossed over her chest and eyes closed. I then lay myself next to her, one of my hands holding hers, "I will love you forever Caroline, please forgive me." I then grabbed the stake with my free hand and stabbed it straight into my heart.

"Ahhh!" I awoke with a jolt. My breathing was ragged and I felt a terrible pain in my chest. When I looked down I saw it, the stake I had used to kill myself and end my misery. I grabbed it and yanked it out with a grunt. I tossed it to the ground and lay myself back down. I could remember everything, including what her blood smelled like. By now my breathing had come back to normal.

I looked over to the clock on the bed side table, it was only 12:00 p.m. Since the dance started at 7:00 I had a lot of time, seven hours to be exact. Maddox wouldn't be here until 6 to go over the plan for one final time.
Our plan was real simple, I go to the dance and allow Bonnie to corner and attack me. Then when she eventually uses up all of her magic and dies that will just be one less person protecting Elena. Now the only problem is how will I pass the time?

What should I do for six hours? I hear Katerina in the kitchen, probably searching for a blood bag. Within a second I was behind her. When she turned around she screamed and dropped the blood bag in her hand. Looking into her eyes and seeing hatred and a bit of terror in them told me exactly what I could do to pass the time, "I'm going to enjoy this." I said, and bit into her neck, loving the sound of her screaming.
Seven Hours Later

As I was walking into the school's gym, where the dance was being held, I was immediately greeted with loud music. I saw a mass of bodies all smushed together. Is this really what this generation calls dancing? Bodies rubbing up against each other, no space between you and the person next to you, whom you're not dancing with. How could anyone stand this?

As I walked in further I was approached by a random girl. "Heyyyy handssssome." the female said. When I looked at her I forced myself not to recoil in disgust.

She wore a skin tight, purple dress that left nothing to the imagination, literally nothing. I could tell by her slurred words that she was drunk, meaning the punch had been spiked. This girl just oozed confidence, it made me wonder how she would feel if she knew that all she was to me was a walking, talking(sadly) meal. I wouldn't even consider calling her attractive since her face was covered by pounds and pounds of make up.

She took her long fingernails and dragged them down the front of my suit. I grabbed her hand before it got too close to certain places, "Throwing yourself at a person who is clearly not attracted to you makes you even more unattractive. And please wipe that gunk off of your face, you look like a clown." I said, without missing a beat. She ripped her hand from my grip and stormed off, but not before muttering the words, "Asshole."

This girl did not realize how thin the line she was walking on was. I made my way towards her, grabbing her arm forcefully and turning her head towards mine, staring straight into her eyes, "You will not make a sound and you will follow me.." I stopped mid sentence, turning my head, inhaling the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled. Already knowing who it was I turned back towards the girl, "You will not remember this conversation." I said.

I released her arm and she blinked at me, before walking towards the so called dance floor again, grinding on a random male. I looked back towards where I knew the smell had emitted from and I saw her. She looked beyond beautiful. Her red dress fit perfectly, unlike these other girls whose clothes were either too loose or too tight. No one here could hold a candle to Caroline's beauty in this moment. Who am I kidding, in every moment.

She is the most exquisite thing on this wretched Earth. Her hair shone like gold, giving me the sudden urge to run my fingers through it. It shaped her face perfectly. After a few moments of shameless staring I got up the courage to approach her.

She was by the punch bowl, but she didn't look drunk. Since vampire tolerance was higher than humans and the cups were extremely small, she probably didn't have enough to be drunk. I didn't see Tyler near her, which made me smile inwardly. What type of person would leave their date alone like this? It was truly baffling. As the distance between us lessened she finally acknowledged me coming towards her.

Though she didn't really show it, I could see the surprise in her eyes. When I was a safe distance away from her I spoke, "Hello, I saw you standing here and I was wondering where your date was?" Even though I already knew that she had one I had to ask, my curiosity was burning. I could almost see the little gears turning round and round in her head as she, I assumed, thought about my question. "I don't have one." she said. As soon as the words left her lips I wanted to give the biggest smile ever.

I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and run home with her. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, to scream it out so the world would know, but I didn't of course. I just settled on a small smile. "Well then, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" I asked, extending my hand out to her. I watched her as she placed down her spiked juice and looked at me again. "And your name is?" she asked.

I thought about it for a moment. I knew that she knew the name Klaus, but did she know the name Niklaus? If I gave her this name would she put two and two together? I soon decided on, "Nik. You can call me Nik." She placed her delicate hand in mine, "Well Nik, I'm Caroline. I would love to dance with you." I led her to the dance floor. I knew in that moment that I wouldn't be able to go through with my plan. At least not now, not today. This moment was too precious to me. She would never know what she did to me when she said she would dance with me.

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