17. Her and Past

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"Mithra is just not a sister or friend for me. She is like my mother." I frowned while listening to this. I knew Mithra and Anj had a different sort of connection but where was this conversation leading to? Sensing my confusion, she began again.

"I was molested two years ago bhai." I gasped at her revelation. This cheery and bubbly woman had to go through so much? She smiled seeing my reaction. "That's in the past bhai. Whatever I am today, it is all because of her bhai, my Mithra. She was the one who rescued me that day, healed me and made me the person I am today. It took more than a year to heal from that incident. It had scared me so badly that I had isolated myself from the entire world. I had lost the will to live. Death was always a comfortable thought for me. There were days when I wished that I was dead rather than being alive. She took care of me bhai. I don't think even a mother would have even spent so much time and energy on her child as she spent on me. For that year, she was always beside me. Feeding me, helping me face my nightmares, healing me physically and mentally. During that phase, I hated men. I did not socialize at all. The only person I could live with was her. She changed the way she worked so that she could stay with me all day, declined all the promotions and opportunities so that I would not be alone. Until unless necessary she would never leave me. She formally adopted me as her sister by making Ma and Baba my parents and encouraging me to continue my career in medicine. And when I slowly began opening to the world, she was always with me. I took enough time to familiarize myself with Ma and Baba and then everyone. It was then I realized that I liked Mithra in a way that was not sisterly." She chuckled. It was not humorless but it held so much emotion. I gently squeezed her hand letting her know that I was there. She could even stop if she wanted to. She looked at me and continued, "Finally one day, I gathered myself and told her what I felt for her. And to my surprise she accepted my feelings. She did not reciprocate but did not even decline. She was even ready to inform Ma and Baba about this. Before she could do that, I heard Arjun complaining to Ma about how unfair Mithra is to herself. They were best friends in a true sense. Nothing escapes them when it comes to each other. Looks like Arjun knew about us. Arjun was only a friend back then. I had no feelings for him or any man for that matter. I couldn't get myself to. But when I heard him talk to Ma, I realized how selfish I was wanting Mithra to myself. Mithra never expects anything from anyone. She lives without any expectations. That day I did not want to deny her anything in her life. She was happy with me but she could be better and even happier. She had to be cherished and I was not capable of doing that. I then told her that I was not ready for a relationship right now and that she need not tell Ma Baba anything. Initially she was doubtful about my sudden decision but nonetheless agreed. I then fell in love with Arjun gradually. Dada got married. She was alone. She never thought in those lines nor expressed her desire to have a partner in her life. But all of us knew how it feels to be cherished by a partner, by the person you love. We wanted it for her too. Arjun arranged a lot of blind dates and meetups for her which she smartly dodged or denied. It was Ma who came up with the idea of an arrangement for her, initiating a decision for her. Mithra had no option but to agree with her. And then she met you. We feel so happy for her. She deserves you and so much more. She is my first love, bhai, Arjun's love, Dada's jaan and Ma- Baba's soul. Now she is going to yours as much as you are hers. Finally she has met her match. Love her like no one and worship her like she is your everything. That shall be all we can ask for, bhai." She concluded. I paused taking in all of these. Every time I felt like I knew her, there was always something that I didn't know about her. She was indeed a goddess on this planet.

"Everytime I feel I know her, there is always something about her that I don't. She is a mystery yet the most open and honest person." I said, having a distant look on my face.

"She herself has been through a lot. Strangely, unlike others for her, her past is a source of strength. She is proud of it. You can ask about her past to anyone who knows about her, they shall tell you too. Even she, herself. Anything you ask her, she shall answer your question. She only speaks the truth. She had taken a pledge for herself about this and abides by it. She is one hell of a unique person in this world." I nodded at her words looking at Mithra who was in an active conversation with Neil and Arjun.

"You love her, don't you?." She stated, making me look at her. She had a questioning look in her eyes as if asking me to deny it. I just nodded my head, before we broke apart to join them.

Mithra tried reading my face for the expression I had. It was just pride. I was proud of her. And at that moment, I honestly felt like repeating those three words back to her. She deserved it. Even though I was not sure about myself, I was sure about her.

We finished the dinner in silence and Mithra followed the same. This woman beside me never failed to amaze me. My silence was surely questioning her, but she chose to remain silent just like how I wanted. I wanted to talk to her in private. And once we were done with our dinner, we headed back to our room. Quickly changing into our tees and tracks, we headed to bed.

"I want to tell you something." I said, breaking our comfortable silence.

"Go on." She said, looking into my eyes.

"I.. I want to tell you this.. I" I was disturbed by the knocking on the door.

"One min Deva" Said Mithra as she walked to open the door. I sighed. Busted. I walked to see Avni talking to Mithra.

"It is still not altered, I gave my changes yesterday. What should I do? Do you know anyone who can help us?" Avni asked, mentioning the dresses she carried in her hand.

"Let me see." Mithra looked up her contacts and dialed a number. Quickly informing the person on the other side, the situation, she hung up. "Yeah, this guy is ready. He shall help us. Dev, I shall take her there and be back. Don't wait for me. Sleep Deva." She said and I nodded helplessly. She loosely hugged me and kissed my cheek. I gave her a small smile.

"Sorry Dev, I didn't know this would happen. Neil is also helpless. So I had to ask her for help." Avni said, and I just gave her an assuring smile. Mithra had a mischievous knowing smile on her face as they left for the alterations leaving me alone to my miseries.

Sleep was not in my favor but I was not miserable. Today's silence was equally comforting and I did slip into a slumber soon. After sometime I felt someone hugging me and kissing me goodnight and I mumbled back the same.


Neil's wedding was a grand affair. Wedding and other important rituals were held in his place while the reception was hosted for a larger audience. The three days were pretty exhausting. I and Rohan being Neil's best friends had to do extra duties of accompanying the groom and bridging in every time necessary. Mithra was also occupied in helping Avni. Ma and baba were also invited for the wedding along with dada and bhabhi. We also had a sweet family time talking and gossiping. It felt complete and blissful. Each of us, with our respective partners, soaked in the moment, reeling in fulfillness, was amazing.


Hey guys. Here goes an update. I have finished 17 chapters so far. Glad that I could write so much and also grateful for such a wonderful reception. I was sick, so I couldn't update for last Thursday. But now that I am recovering, the updates shall be regular. 

Thank you. Take Care.

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