8. Trouble in the Paradise

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It was one more blissful evening with Mithra. We met after our work near the outskirts of the city. We had spoken about our day and then wandered off to other topics. We then had dinner in a dhabha close by. We were now seated on the bonnet of her car with Mithra's head on my shoulder.

She sighed in relief. I hugged her close, planting a chaste kiss on her forehead. She snuggled further into my neck. Suddenly lifting off her head from my shoulder, she sat upright facing me.

"I have a confession to make." She said.

"Hmm, go ahead." I ushered her, turning to face her.

"Umm... I...Arghh...I love you Deva." I stilled. She tensed seeing me but relaxed immediately. "Hey, if you don't feel so it's not an issue. You need not repeat that. I will love you no matter what." She continued, rubbing my arm. I abruptly pulled her hand away from my shoulder and stepped down the bonnet. Walking ahead, I tried calming my breath.

"Dev, what's wrong? Are you ok? Is it my confession? I told you righ-"

"No" I abruptly cut her off, pulling away from her. Clutching my head, I began "You don't love me. Why? We were happy like this, right? Love? You don't love me. You pity me. That is why you misunderstand it to be love. No, you don't love me." I said in between deep breaths.

"Dev, look at me." She said, forcing me to look at her. She was confused with her brows furrowed and a frown on her face. "I don't pity you. Why will I? For the person you are today, I admire you. Pity? Why do you feel so? Have I ever made you feel low or undeserved unknowingly? I apologize if I ever did so. I really love you Dev, for the man you are, for the character you possess, the way you look at me, the way you treat others around you. I truly do ,Deva. Hey," She softly yet firmly explained.

"Mithra, stop being ridiculous. Why do you want to say something like that? It makes me believe you when I know it is all a lie." I countered.

"Believe me Deva. I am not bluffing about it." She explained. I could see disappointment and hurt swirling in her eyes as she spoke to me.

"You are unbelievable!" I said, walking away from her to my car. I could hear her calling me but I couldn't care less. It reminded me of my fate and I couldn't bear that.

Pulling into my garage and headed to the penthouse and stripped down to shower. I quickly popped my pills and headed to bed. My phone has been continuously ringing since I was in the shower. It was Mithra. Turning the phone into a silent mode, I pulled the covers over my head.

There were 25 missed calls and multiple texts about my concern from her that night. She had been trying for two days now, yet I did not answer her. A part of me was guilty of behaving like that with her. Another, angry at the word love and her confession. How could she?

It was strange that I didn't receive any calls or texts from her. But something seemed amiss. I had a feeling that something was wrong. Little did I know that I was right.

Another two days had passed and there was no sign of her. This made me anxious. Is she alright? Where is she? Is she angry with me? Mithra's absence made me realize what a dick I had been. She could love me. It was natural. Mithra never showed me an ounce of pity, neither did her actions. All she did was appreciate my mere presence. I, destroyed everything. I should have let her know about my trauma so that she could understand, just the way she understood me when I narrated the accident incident. Unable to contain the anxiety, I dialed her contact. It said the device was switched off. I tried again out of hope, but nothing seemed to work. Sighing, I threw the phone aside.

Suddenly it occurred to me to call Anjali. Quickly dialing her contact, I tapped my feet restlessly. After four rings there was a meek hello.

"Anjali, it's me Dev. Is Mithra there? Her phone says it's switched off. Can you let her know that I called?" There was a moment of silence.

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