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As a human, I believe we were all created to be adaptive to our environment. Given skills and biological traits that allow us to evolve as our environment changes. The world around me changed in the blink of an eye. A world that I once called mine caught in a ravine of fire. I sat at my father's desk as it was engulfed in angry flames. Blood coated every layer of my skin. From the distance, sirens of police cruisers and firetrucks were snuffed by the blaring sound of the fire alarm. Flickers of red, blue, and white light became masked in smoke as it quickly filled the office room. I strode past the flames and into the doorway. The ceiling sprinkler's attempt to wash away the red, flickering storm that I caused. My skin began to tingle in wet coldness.

Along the hall, a man lay slumped near the doorway. Covered in wet droplets. I recalled moments before that he was begging me for mercy. I showed him the same mercy he showed my mother. He now laid in his own pool of blood, crippled with angry gushes that ran across his face and torso. A single blade pierced into his throat. Next to him was his master. To my surprise, angry red smears coated the empty tile where his body was supposed to be. My heart began to beat louder. How was this possible?

"Suka!" Yelled a man with a Russian accent. I whirled around in shock. "Now I'll fucking kill you, bitch." A large dagger plunged through my breast. Our eyes connected with unspoken hatred. The man collapsed from his old injury, toppling us both to the cold ground. His weight pushed the dagger deeper into my chest and pain exploded into my body, blurring my vision.

"Get off!" Blood oozed out from between my lips as I thrust his body away from me. We both lay there motionless on the floor, staring at each other. His face was visibly pale. His once light blue eyes began to fade as his face limped motionless to the side. Dead. A sign of relief flooded me. I let out a gurgled laugh and winced in the reminder of the dagger nesting in my chest.

My happiness was short-lived once the sound of the walls began to crack and crumble around us. The beam from above me was consumed by the ravenous flames. Debris began to cascade around. Time seemed to stay still as I watched my life flicker and dance across the room. Recalling every moment that led me to this point.

The story I am about to tell you is soul-shattering. What happened to me is a conspiracy that is bigger than me, you, and everything else. A powerful group of people who worked for my father used him and his company for their games. Using their newly acquired power, they effortlessly destroyed my family without leaving a trace. I was left in a crippling position. A position where people would have found peace in death rather than going on in life with unimaginable pain. They left one thing behind, and it would be their greatest downfall. Me. I will leave no stone unturned to find the truth about the top two percent that played God with my family and my life. My story of blood and revenge begins now.

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