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He felt the stickiness of his cum all over below his waist and hand.
- let's wash up then.
He got up off the bed quickly making his way to the bathroom.

Y/n woke up with a terrible headache.
- aigoo, my head...
She said as her eyes tried to focus on her surroundings.
- I'm home, but how did I get on my bed, gasp) did he bring me here to my bed?
Her hands went up to her face.
- what happened last night, what don't I remember?, I sure hope that I didn't embarrassed myself last night, what if I did?, he probably will fire my ass.
She placed her hands by her sides on the bed beating the mattress while screaming until she heard her phone chimed.
- what now?
It was a text from Jungkook.
* come to the office a little earlier than usual on Monday miss y/n.
She read the text feeling her throat closed up almost to the point that she felt like she was going to choke.
- please don't let me get fired.
She got up the bed making her way to the bathroom.
- I look like death.
She said while staring at her reflection in the mirror, hair a mess, slept with make up on which meant that an intensive face treatment was going to be needed.
- I guess is time to get all this mess off my face.
Monday came faster than what y/n would have wanted too, woke up earlier than usual since Jungkook had asked her to come on in earlier than normal.
- shall I get coffee for him?
She bought some coffee before making it to the office, she made it before he did.
- he isn't here yet, that gives a few more minutes before he chokes me or fire me.
She said taking her seat behind the desk, doing a little work while he showed up.
Jungkook had being feeling very hot since Friday when y/n was touching all over him in the elevator, he feared of a hard on while working, he knew that it was time to plan his fake trip to somewhere since he knew that his heat was going to hit him any time now.
Jungkook woke up with the biggest hard on, quickly walking in his shower to take care of it, this time it took longer than usual to get it under control which meant that the heat would hit him when he least expected.
- jeez the proximity to her body triggered things in me I didn't know I could feel.
He growled while getting dressed, after finally succeeding to find an outfit that could keep his crotch hidden in case of an unexpected hard on he grabbed his belongings walking out of the house.
He pulled up at the company building.
Y/n's phone rang which she quickly picked up, as he walked out of the elevator his ears picked up the conversation the she was having with whomever the caller was.
- he is not here yet sir, I apologize...
She took the phone of her ear because the caller was screaming at her.

She took the phone of her ear because the caller was screaming at her

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- good morning miss y/n.
She was startled by his deep thick voice, his hand was extended for her to give him the phone.
- ah yes sir.
She passed him the phone quick he proceeded to hang up, her jaw dropped with his action.
- but sir...
- doesn't matter who it is if they are talking to you that way.
He said before resuming his way to the office.
- I thought that he was pissed at me.
- miss y/n come to my office please.
He said as his head peeked out of the door.
- oh here we come, I spoke up too soon.
She walked up to his office like she was about to walk the plank, Jungkook is one scary man that's all she knows, was he about to let all his anger on her?
She knocked the door.
- come on in.
His voice was heard, her eyes landed on him who had his phone in his ear.
- he is in a phone call, why did he call me if he is busy?

- he is in a phone call, why did he call me if he is busy?

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His eyes landed on her.
- oops, I better sit down.
She walked in the office making herself comfortable on the seat across from his desk, few minutes in the office she could feel his eyes just staring at her, which was making her feel petrified until he hung up.
- yes madame see you soon.
Jungkook ended the call then place the device on his desk.
- you wanted to see me sir?
- actually yes I did...
- oh with all due respect I got something for you, if you give me two seconds I'll get it for you.
- you can.
He said with curiosity.
- great I'll be right back.
She walked out briefly then walked back in with a big cup of coffee in his hand.
- here you go sir, I hope you haven't had any coffee yet.
- you actually got me some coffee miss y/n, that's a first.
He said reaching for the cup.
- thank you, I actually didn't have time to get any today since I was running late.
- well I'm glad I could be of help sir.
- you are always of help miss y/n, never forget that.
- thank you sir.
- now I got a different matter to revise with you.
He said leaning back in his chair.
- I got off the phone with this lady who wants to invest on our company so I have to go see her in a few but there is a problem with that.
- what is the problem sir?
- she is a little too friendly for my taste so I'm bringing you with me.
- me, why if may I ask?
- well if you are with me she won't be able to get touchy with me.
- woah, don't you think she will get upset that another woman is coming with you when you are trying to handle business with her?
- no, I already asked her if I could bring my assistant with me, she said of course.
- does she know that your assistant is a woman?
- I didn't reveal that tiny detail to her.
She looked into his deep yellowish brown eyes, it was a hint of mischief in them something very uncommon on him.
- so get ready because we are leaving as soon as I walk out of this office.
- yes sir.
She walked out of the office still not believing what he was plotting right now.
- well this is a first from him, I sure wasn't expecting this with the way he barks sometimes.
She was lost in thoughts as usual until she felt his presence behind her.
- I'm ready sir I'm just saving this before stepping out.
- could you be so kind of giving me a copy of that please?
- of course sir, you can have this one if you like.
- no I need you to keep one too just in case miss y/n.
- alright I'll make a copy when we comeback from wherever we are going.
She said lastly grabbing her purse, phone and jacket.
Both boarded the elevator down to the parking garage, Jungkook quickly drove off.
- so, are we going to see her at her company building?
- no, at her house.
Y/n's face turned to look at him so fast she almost had whiplash.
- her house?
- yes, do you understand now why my insistence on bringing you with me?
- you thought if you came alone she could try to seduce you or something like that?
- miss y/n that's not funny, I don't know much of about how women like to play with men and seduce them but I'm not one of those men, I like to be a gentleman with women but it they cross a line with me I become a different person.
- oh, well that's why I'm here sir to avoid those problems.
They made it to the possible investor's house it was a little far away from the suburban area, was a little hidden to the public.
- we are here miss y/n.
- well let's get it mr. Jeon.
He opened the door for her, then they walked together to the door which he knocked, slowly moving behind y/n.
- yes...
A young woman opened the door, smile disappeared from her face when she saw y/n accompanying Jungkook.

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