I was forced to run back to the walls with my dad and the others, feeling the adrenaline running through my veins with me. The cracks and creaks of the wooden fences could be heard before the walkers completely destroyed it and moved past it. Before we had chance to make it to the walls, fire arrows shot through the sky and landed in front of us. The other walls of Hilltop caught alight and burnt everything around us. It caused us all to stop running as we watched the fire burn everything.

We were nearly trapped, the walkers continued to gain ground in us behind. More fire arrows went through the sky and landed behind the walls of Hilltop, hitting Barrington House and other small buildings. My heart suddenly dropped, hoping that the others were okay. But I then thought...the kids!

"The kids!" I yelled in a slight panic, my mind instantly going to CJ, Judith, RJ..."We have to go in!" I noticed Carol at the top of the wall with her bow, shooting walkers behind us alongside some other people to give us a chance to make it through.

"C'mon!" My dad yelled as we had a chance to go past the walls, not wasting any time as the walkers were right behind us.

The fire didn't stop the walkers from breaking through, but made it easier to see them at least. The walkers which pushed their way through the walls caught on fire but I didn't hesitate to cut them down. Those with shields started to jam up the walkers as others set off the catapults behind the walls. More walkers continued to fight back before they were either crushed, sliced or shot. Some Whisperers managed to get through as well by the look of their heads and fake walker appearance.

"SKINS!" I shouted, running over to the others before one could attack. I swung my sword as one raised their knife at someone, then slicing their leg and they fell to the ground. They landed with a groan until their noises were silenced, my sword met with their head until it was cleanly cut off.

More appeared around us but everyone caught on and attacked them. I noticed another one near me with a knife again, it ran over to me ready to attack but I swung my sword again and it jumped back for a second. They stood their ground before taking another opportunity to jump with their knife raised, I quickly ducked onto the group with my sword raised. Their stomach made impact with the sword with a squelch and a yelp escaping their lips, I kicked the body off the sword and flicked off the dripping blood.

I didn't waste any time to stab them in the head and move on.

"It's workin'. They're slowin' down." My dad pointed out, seeing the walkers slowen their pace due to the blockage. More explosions went off because of the fire, causing other walls to fall down so more walkers could flood in. "Walls down. Follow me!"

I ran with my dad and others to stop the walkers from coming in, stabbing and walker than I could see in front of me. Multiple explosions went off however it didn't stop me from killing the monsters around me, despite how long it took, all of us ended up fighting through the night.

When it got morning we ended up getting split up with a lot of people. I grouped up with my dad, Rosita and a few others including Jerry, Dianne and Nabila. I couldn't help but think about the kids and where they were, I had no sign of them the previous night so I could only hope that Ezekiel was with them. We planned to meet them at the usual rendezvous. An abandoned house in the middle of the woods. We walked through the large field before finally making it through the woods, following the familiar path to get to the house.

I had nervous butterflies on my stomach and I could only think of the worst. Did they get out in time? Are they okay? Are they even alive? When we got to the house my nerves lowered a bit but as soon as I saw a walker wander out of the house my heart then sunk...

"No..." I breathed out, staggering forward to the house but Rosita held me back as my dad rushed through the door after Dianne shot down the walker. "They should be here...oh god."  He came back out a bit after alone again.

"This is the spot right?" Rosita asked to make sure and my dad nodded.

"My babies? Where are my babies?" Nabila repeated worriedly as Jerry reassured her.

"Where's CJ...Judith and RJ-" I looked around aimlessly. "They should be here!"

"We'll find 'em, come on. Spread out!" Dad told me and we searched through the woods together, looking for any clues of the kid's whereabouts. We walked with Jerry who caught up to us as we walked through the forest again back to the direction of Hilltop.

Or whatever was left of it.

Everything was dusty and burnt, walls were missing, walkers everywhere and even some of our own people who got bit or killed. There were a few sheets of metal planted around from the barriers, some were even collected on top of each other...but some movement underneath. I pointed it out to them both quickly, tapping my dad on the side. Jerry noticed it too and got a bit closer just incase, but under the rubble was a shocked and tired Ezekiel coughing and grunting.

"Jerry..." He panted and held onto his shoulder. "The kids...Earl's got the kids!" He finally told us and ran in the other direction, getting us to follow him.

He brought us back through the woods and into the deepness of the trees until finding another shack hidden between the bushes. There was a metal door that was slightly open but we couldn't take any chances. I held my hand on the top of my sword in case I needed to get it out, carefully walking behind my dad as he got his knife ready. He silently nodded at me before pushing open the door, waiting for any sudden moves or sounds.

Thankfully the kids ran out, one by one and safe. I let go of my deep breath I was holding, seeing each keep run back over to Ezekiel and Jerry. Jerry was reunited with his kids too. RJ ran out first and dashed into my dad and I's arms.

"There you are, we've been so worried!" I exclaimed and squeezed RJ tightly.

"Is CJ and Judith still in there?" My dad asked and RJ nodded before we let him go to the others.

I let go of my sword whilst my dad stepped into the room first cautiously and I followed after. A table with a bloody spike poking out had fallen down in the middle, Earl laid on the floor with blood out of his head too. And in the corner of the room was a teary eyed Judith and little CJ next to her.

I felt my heart break for them, I didn't know what they had been through but thank god we had found them. God knows what else would've happened if we didn't arrive sooner or they didn't have their weapons.

My dad and I made our way over to them, I sat next to CJ and held his shaky hand. He curled up to me in an instant as dad sat beside Judith with his arm around her. I placed my hand on Judith's to let her know I was there, she quickly held it back and gave it a squeeze. We all sat there for a while in silence after finally finding each other.

"Come on kids, let's get you home." I spoke up, rubbing CJ's shoulders before standing up with them.

After walking back outside we made our slow back to somewhere else safer, hopefully to rest and camp out before nightfall hits. Hilltop was clearly not a safe place anymore and I'm not sure if it ever will be.

I kept CJ close with me as we walker together. I had no idea what had happened to Earl, my best guess was that he got too injured or bit. Either way, one of them had to put him down. So I hope none of them ever have to do that again. I'm sure as hell that I ain't leavin' these goddamn kids alone.


only two chapters left and this book will be finished :( damn

but book 3 is coming soon!!

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