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8:30 AM
The day dawned crisp and clear, with the forecast of a typical Forks autumnal day. Damp and fresh. Sitting up in my bed I stretch cringing at the few cracks and pops my back gives out. Swinging my legs over the side I drag myself into the bathroom and gaze at my messy form in the mirror-lord what happened to me did I wrestle a wolf-
Aggressively throwing the shower curtain back and washing my body with whatever soap my Aunt had and brushing my teeth; ridding my body of it's nightly grime I head down the hall and back into my room.
I get dressed in my week long planned 'first day at forks outfit'. I add a Carnelian neckless for that extra boost of pep-in my step and motivation. Ending my morning routine with a bit of 'freshen up makeup' and a spritz of my warm vanilla body spray. Gosh I'm so attractive and hot and totally gunna make new friends !

Just as I was about to open my door to go downstairs I hear Aunt Hazel yell "HELLOO ARE YOU ALIVE?! IM MAKINGGGG UMMM CEREAL IF YOU WANT SOME" Lord it's too early for all this yelling.
"YEAH YEAH IM COMING, IM COMING YOU COCKEREL JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE" Plodding down the stairs going as slowly as I can, as a cruel revolt to the pleasant wake up call she gave me "COCKEREL?! WHO YOU CALLING A COCKEREL YOU ILL MANNERED SOLTH, FOR THAT IM MAKING YOUR CEREAL WITH WATER!" Greattttt... I wasn't that hungry anyway...

Finally making my grand entrance into the kitchen I see my Aunt reading the morning paper and drinking green tea on the island. Next to her, a bowl of cereal made, no water in sight and a matching cup of warm green tea. I mumble a simple "Thank you" and dig into my breakfast.
"So what have we got planned for today?" I say in between gargantuan mouthfuls of cereal.
"Well I'm going to show you the rout to town from here and back, the bus stops that are most important to you and just general exploring till 10. Then we'll go have lunch with Charlie Swan- oh he's a friend of mine from work- and then you'll sit with me NICE.AND.QUIETLY. while I work and then we'll go home at 9 and have dinner" wow my Aunt can really make a girls first day special, sit with her at work no way. "NO. Miss Belladonna Howe. I know exactly what you're thinking and it's not happening. You're going to stick by me and that's final." Hazel demands as I sit there dumbfounded by her uncommon parental tone. Now my Aunt may be young at heart but I'm so0o00 not gunna make her mad; 'looks of a siren and all the dangerous parts too' my dad used to say. God. The story's he'd tell me of them when they were younger, sends shivers down my spine..."Yes ma'am" I squeak and finish up my breakfast.

Washing up my bowl and mug I run to grab my shoes excited to explore the town when my Aunt stops me "hold on don't go anywhere we need to set some rules and boundaries" she points to the sofa hands on hips. we sit together. "Alright what's the sitch? Do I HAVE to have a nap-time I AM 17" I joke knowing Hazel will say something quippy back to me anyway.
"Oh shut your black hole" she chuckles "this is serious. Now living here I only have a handful of rules. 1.no magic outside of the house other than forrest out the back. Yes you can wear crystals but no performing or practicing spells in town or school or round friends houses. 2.no getting into trouble at school, I want you doing your homework and keeping up with your studies alright; your future is important. 3.before leaving the house I want you to draw this protective rune onto yourself using my obsidian crystal water- here I'll show you" My Aunt takes me into her study and goes to a wall full of different crystals, water jars and such on.
Gently she pulls down a glass full of obsidian. Dipping a small calligraphy brush into the jar and pulling it out, taking my wrist lightly she brings up the bush and draws on the rune. I feel the water seep into my skin and spread a warm feeling all over my body it's fuzzy tingling sensation lingers in my fingers and toes. "See just like that, and I'm dead serious. Everytime time you leave. It's a homebrew of protection it will suppress your stinky ass witch aroma" Opting for a simple nod I reply watching as she draws one on her own wrist and sets the jar lower on the shelf and showing me where she keeps the little brush used to apply the mixture.

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