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"You're going to love it here, there's something about Forks that's so...connected to the other world..." My Aunt Hazel glances over to me in the passenger seat of her rustic blue-grey Nissan Figaro, or as I lovingly dubbed it 'big mouth car' because of its distinct smile shaped grill and wide-eyed headlights.
"Yeah? I mean, I always thought Salem was the MAJOR hotspot" I reply absentmindedly as I take in the breathtaking views of the drive. The rough bark on the mighty trees stand tall and proud beaming with pride as they show off their lush leaves. Every so often the cool autumn breeze would puff up into their branches making the vibrant leaves dance and rustle. I could practically smell the intoxicating pine and damp air through the AC. Who knew trees could be so beautiful, well me, but I can tell just by the views that what my Auntie says is true. That Forks has something special.

"Haha well you're not wrong there Glowbug however there are other magical places" Her eyes returning to the road ahead, teasing tone present as she draws out her words and a growing smirk slowly creeps across her face, slightly shaded by the grey overcast of clouds beginning to form.
"Mmm yeah I guess you're ri- wait Glowbug? You haven't called me that in years" I let out a laugh recalling the memory of how I earned that nickname. How was three year old me supposed to know that rose bushes and sparklers don't mix well...
"Oh I know but the name suits you for more reason than one youuuuu ARSONIST!" Jutting out her hand she tickles my waist causing the car to swerve left and right on the empty road. I shriek and desperately try to escape her cruel punishment. Tears in my eyes she pulls back returning the car to it's lane as I sit back in my seat letting out a relaxed sigh and fix my hair in the wing mirror.

"Soooooo... we nearly there yet?" I tease back knowing I had asked that question not only 10 minutes ago, of course I get no answer other than a disgruntled look from my Aunt. Tapping my fingers along the dashboard in front of me I ask again "...what about now?" My persistent nature seeming to finally were her thin as her right eye begins to twitch. Ahhh revenge is a dish best served cold and annoying...
"... now?"
Clearing my throat I go in for the final blow-
"Okay but how abo-"
"GODS NO ! FOR THE LOVE OF ANY OMNIPOTENT FORCE NO, WE WILL BE IN TWENTY MINUTES!"-and with that a sly smile spreads across my lips knowing I successfully peeved off my Aunt today. Anddd it's only ten AM oh yeah new record!
"If your so eager to use that big mouth of yours how about you sing instead" Aunt Hazel said exhaustedly as she clicked on the radio.

"No more body's have been recovered since last months mass murder case in Salem, Massachusetts. The devastating event-"

And as quick as Hazel put on the radio it had been aggressively shut off.

The car ride to Aunt Hazels was silent after that, I could tell that she wanted to say something by her furrowed brow and taught lips, but it's alright she knew that I knew and we left it at that. No words need spoken, we felt it in our heavy hearts.


"Well Belladonna we're here" Feeling the car come to a halt I look outside the little car window.
"Wow it's so beautiful !" I say in awe gazing out at the rustic New England styled house, it's small towny charm winning me over instantly with the simple raw wood panels, large porch that wrapped itself around the house littered with all manners of trinkets, projects and plants alike.
A second story bay window and roof was adorned with vines and french shutters. Not even mentioning the sprawling forrest behind it, HER GARDEN MUST BE HUGE SCOREE! It reminds me so much of home, I can feel the warm nature of the house and it looks like Hazel put a protective ring around it. I can totally sense the invisible bubble, of course that's only to the trained senses, to anyone else it would feel like nothing was there at all. She's always so cautious, I'll have to ask her what she used for it perhaps a mixture of things, maybe she used-
"Well are you going to stand their gawking all day or go take a look?" Pulling myself out my thoughts I jump out the car and ran round to the back doors, grabbing my cases and rucksack. I sprint up to the  front door, paint worn away with age and cottage styled knocker with a crocheted cream cleansing witch bell tied around it, wow talk about subtle, surprised no ones come with pitch forks. Amused at my own statement I smile as my Aunt opens the door and lets me in. The house had a mostly open floor plan with the kitchen being to the left, with a dark wood top island in the middle and back door that opened out to the forrest. The lounge was to the right of the kitchen, it had a large stone brick fireplace and comfy looking four person sofa, a lazy one chair and many plants made thir home on and around the coffee table and shelf's. My Aunts belongings covered the rooms creating an alluring atmosphere. A personal study was separated from the two rooms by a set of double doors and a small bathroom was next to the stairs by the front door.

Helping me carry my bags upstairs and into the hallway I open the white door. My breath lay caught in my throat at the sight before my eyes, the contents of the room stopping me in my tracks. Moving from Salem to Forks I thought my room would be empty and voided of life... but here it's more than anything I could've imagined. To the left of me was a wooded framed bed with white and grey patterned covers, a bedside table lay next to it with a salt lamp and a framed photo of me and my whole family taken on my older brothers 13th birthday party at the local laser tag place. We all had big goofy smiles on our faces; dressed in galactic armour posing like paladins fighting for justice. Above my bed hung a dream catcher it's neutral green, pale yellow, cream and red colour scheme added a pop of colour to the off white walls. To my right was a desk, timber framed and covered in geology books and school supplies, silver lamp and a pinboard above the pile of books covered with Polaroids, photos and drawings from my family all preciously pinned on. In front of me the stunning bay window, pillows and blankets covered the little seating area and a large shelf stocked up on all manners of literature and personal trinkets of my Aunts from her travels across the globe.
"Well it's not much but I hope... I hope you feel at home, it used to be my room but I think a budding witch like you would need all the space she can get. Oh and I knew you would enjoy the bay window, it's beautiful when it rains here. I couldn't let you NOT have it, if you want tomorrow we can go get more or different furniture and if you want to change the lay out by all means have at it. It's yours now and... and it's important for me... for you to be at peace here"
I couldn't keep it in anymore, for the first time in weeks I let down my walls and run to my Aunt, sobbing at her generosity and kindness, I mumble incoherent thank yous and compliments. The sweet and tender embrace fills the room, flooding it with light and purity.
As I break from our hug I stare into her jade eyes feeling more loved than I ever have, feeling more hope for the future than I ever have, feeling more ready for that Chinese take out I was promised from the airport.
"Auntie is that a grey hair?"  Watching her once gentle expression turn to rage I clammer down the hallway afraid of what beast I just unleashed.
"OH YOU LITTLE- COME HERE!" She chases after me yelling about my ungratefulness and how I needed to learn manors. Of course it was in jest as nothing but beauty engulfed my Aunt, she was the epitome of an english rose, soft frame and features, her mid length black hair sat perfectly framing her face, rosed cheeks and lips, wide expressive eyes showing off their enchanting green colour. When I'm older I hope to be just like her.

After we both wore ourselves out we unpacked my belongings and ordered that Chinese, spending the rest of the day watching terrible chick flicks and eating junk food. Around 11 we headed up to bed as tomorrow my Aunt would show me around and introduce me to her work friends. Doing my night routine I got into my Pj's and climbed into bed. The faint smell of lavender sends me to a deep restful sleep. My last thought being of excitement for what tomorrow would bring and wishing my coven, my family, nothing but tranquility for where they reside.


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WELL THATS THE FRIST CHAPTER DONE WITH!  Please if you see any typos or grammatical errors feel free to comment and I'll change them as soon as possible :)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's not too exciting as I'm just building up character relationships and finding the flow of the story so please sit tight while I create a foundation :)
- Ur Author

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