
"So he knows I have tattoos."



Camila sighed, looking out the window. This was going to be harder than she thought.

But, hey, at least Y/N hasn't punched anything...yet.

"If you showed up and all he saw were the tattoos, I was worried that he would make a preconceived judgement based off of that, before he gets to know you."

Y/N didn't say anything. She slid her tongue over her teeth, leaning her head back on the headrest.

"I'm sure since your mom hates me, he already does too."


"Oh, come on, Camila." Y/N looked over at her. "I'm not dumb. I know your mom hates me. The girls too."

"They don't hate you. They just..."

"Exactly." Y/N sighed as she came to a stop outside the airport, in the back of course.

They both got out and Y/N gave the valet her key and a tip. She opened the back and grabbed their suitcases. Before she closed the trunk, she grabbed the hoodie Camila tossed her earlier and pulled it over her head.

"Y/N it's fine."

"No, it's not. But if you think it'll help, I'll do it."

Camila looked at her for a few moments, trying to see what she was thinking. Y/N sighed and began walking into the airport with their bags.


By eleven thirty, they had boarded the plane. They had their own little cubby section in first class. And, due to their status, they were first on and would be first off. Perfect for hiding.

Camila looked over at Y/N who was currently looking out of the window, her headphones fit snuggly in her ears.

"Hey," Camila nudged her. Y/N looked over, pulling one ear bud out. "Take it off." She pulled at the hoodie.

"Camila, it's fine."

"No, it's not. You said so yourself. Take it off."

"Camila, seriously—"

"Fucking take it off, Y/N!"

"Okay, Jesus Christ," Y/N pulled it over her head and stuffed it into her carry one backpack. "Happy?"

"Yes," Camila sighed. "I'm sorry I asked you to cover them. I don't even know why I did."

"Because you want your dad to like me."

"Well, yeah."

"I want him to like me too. I hope once he, and your mom, get to know me, they will." Y/N shrugged.

"They will." Camila stated, trying to convince herself just as much as Y/N. "¿Un beso?"

Y/N smiled and leaned over, kissing Camila's lips softly. The kiss broke when Y/N pulled away with a little laugh.

"What?" Camila asked.

"It's just so stupid."

"What is?"

"That fight," she kept laughing, pulling a smile out of Camila as well. "Like what even was that?"


By the time the flight landed, everything between Y/N and Camila seemed to be solved. They de-boarded the plane first and were directed as to where to go.

They grabbed their bags and met Sinu outside where she was waiting near her car.

"Mamí!" Camila called out, wrapping her arms around Sinu in a tight hug.

The smaller Cuban woman wrapped her arms around Camila's waist, rocking her side to side.

Camila knew that at the age of nineteen, she shouldn't be this attached to her mother. Well, not that she shouldn't, but it was uncommon. She couldn't bring herself to care though. Sinu was her best friend and she wouldn't trade that for anything.

Camila noticed Y/N hanging back a little and she walked over to her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous," she shrugged. "I'll be fine."

Camila smiled softly and kissed her.

Sinu came over and gave Y/N a quick and awkward hug. Y/N asked where she could put the bags and Sinu pointed to the trunk of her SUV.

The ride to Camila's house passed fairly quickly. She kept glancing back at Y/N, catching her more than a few times bouncing her leg or chewing her lip, both things she did when she was nervous.

Camila hadn't seen her this nervous before. Not since that night at the VMAs...

She shook the memory of that night from her mind. She didn't need that right now.

When they got to the Cabello household, Sinu went inside, leaving Camila and Y/N to grab their bags.

Camila walked around to the back of the car, finding Y/N standing in front of the open trunk, her hand resting on the open back door.

"Okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." She stood up straighter and gave Camila, what she assumed was supposed to be, a reassuring smile.

"Bullshit." Camila shook her head. "Seriously, what is it?"

Y/N sighed and lowered her voice. "I figured since I was meeting your family, I wouldn't smoke or anything. But I'm seriously regretting that right now."

Camila's heart warmed at the fact that Y/N was actually completely sober. No weed, not even a cigarette.

She didn't realize until now that she hadn't seen Y/N smoke since the night before.

"Is that why you're shaking?"

"Uh, yeah." Y/N looked to the side. "Among other things. I don't know, I'm just not used to this." She shrugged. "I didn't want to smell like weed or smoke or anything."

"Did you bring those gummy things?"


"Then have one of those."


"Yeah," Camila reached for Y/N's bag before she was intercepted by her girlfriend. "I like the sentiment, but I'd rather you not be shaking and freaking out when you meet my dad."

"Okay." Y/N popped a red gummy in her mouth after pulling it out of a little bag. She leaned down and kissed Camila's forehead. "I think I still have some Nicorette in my bag too."

Camila smiled at her and opened her mouth to add something but was interrupted by Sinu who was standing by the door.

"¿Vienes o no?"

"Yeah, one second!" Camila called back.

She grabbed her own bag and smiled at her girlfriend. "You'll be fine. Promise." Camila gave her a quick kiss before she started for the house.

(a/n): heyyyy
so I took a break to convert a new story (it's done and coming as soon as it's proof read ;) )

The next chapter of this *should* be up soon :)

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Thanks for reading ❤️

p.s. I started a fun lil tik tok account called @/exposingcamilapr where I'm pointing out the pr strategies her team seems to love and exposing all that shit so...if u wanna, go follow :)

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