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dylan hayes

My fingers skim across the paper in my hand, tracing the ink. Elliot left this at my house a few days ago and I know he did it on purpose. There's a few different variations of the tattoo I explained to him on it and I've already picked my favourite one.

Opening my car door I climb out, shutting it and locking the car behind me. I walk into Elliot's shop with the folded piece of paper in hand.

"Hey Dylan, Elliot's in the back." Clay greets, spinning side to side in his roller chair looking bored as ever.

"Thanks Clay." I smile, walking past him.

Knocking on the back door, I push it open when I hear a Elliot say come in. He's sat on his chair by a desk so I take a seat on the tattoo bench beside him.

"I want this one please." I hand him the paper and point at one of the designs.

Elliot's eyes snap to mine and a small smile makes it's way onto his face. "You found them."

"Mhm, and I love them all but that one especially." I nod to the paper he's holding.

He scans me up and down slowly, "On your back right? How big?"

"Yeah, the middle of my back and I want it exactly the same size as you drew it." I confirm, following his movements with my eyes as he stands up to go get something.

"And you want it done today?" Elliot questions from across the room, somewhere behind me.

"Whenever you're free really, I don't want to take up your time if your busy, there's no rush."

"That wasn't my question sunshine, do you want it done today?" Is he really going to make me do this?

"Yes." I mumble out quietly.

"I didn't catch that, what did you say?" Elliot taunts, coming back to sit in his chair holding stuff.

"Yes I want it done today." I speak a little louder this time while glaring at him.

"Then we'll do it today."

Before I know it I'm lying face down with my top pulled up so Elliot can prep for my tattoo. Once he gets the stencil to transfer he checks it with me before starting to tattoo it. I'm not going to lie it hurt but the pain was bearable and I got used to it very quickly, it's the same with all the tattoos I have. In a weird way it's kind of relaxing.

For some reason all I can think about is his hands that are working gently on my back. His touch is light and I fight off the butterflies that swarm my stomach.

When he finishes the tattoo he places a hot towel on it to calm my skin before applying a protective ointment. He then wraps it with a film and reminds me of aftercare.                              

I yawn and rest my head back on the bench. "So tired." I mumble to myself.

The door opens but I don't bother looking to see who it is.

"I'm going to get some lunch, you want me to bring you guys back anything?" Clay asks and I hear Elliot shuffling around the room. "Yeah, just get me whatever."


"Anything is fine. I'll have what Elliot's having."

I lie on the bench for a while, scrolling on my phone while Elliot sits beside me doing the same. We stay like this until Clay comes back with our lunch.

"Come on sunshine, let's eat our lunch out front." He says standing up and I groan standing with him.

On the way out I look at my back in the mirror. I think this is my favourite tattoo ever.

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