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dylan hayes

It's been two weeks since I last saw Elliot and even though I don't know him that well, I miss him. He was only in my life for like a week but I can't get over him.

Elliot was the only hope I had, he was my chance to start rebuilding my life again, properly. But I ran away like a little bitch and crushed that hope for myself all because it was getting a little too real.

Sometimes I stare at his number at night, wanting to call or to text, to explain or apologise and to see him again; tonight is one of those nights.

I glare at my phone screen. Just press the call button, the worst he can do is pick up.

Before I can talk myself out of it I tap the button, my heart beat drowning out the sound of the phone ringing. A few rings go by and I think he's not going to pick up until-

"Sunshine?" Elliot rasps, sounding as if he's just woken up.

"Elliot." I reply, regretting my decision to call  him.

"It's two in the morning."

2 am. I phoned him at two in the morning? Shit, I didn't realise that it got this late. How long was I staring at my phone for?

"It is?"


"Oh, sorry." I mumble hearing shuffling from the other side before the line goes silent.

"Elliot?" Attempting to catch his attention I get another hum in response.

"I'm sorry for running out on you. I-I was having a bad day." I catch myself before I can say too much.

"You don't have to apologise for that sunshine, though a goodbye would be nice next time." He teases and I bite my lip feeling my body grow warm.

I missed talking to you. Is what I want to say.

"Do you like Star Wars?" Is what comes out instead.


"Do you want to watch Star Wars?"

"With you?" My heart stops.

"Mhm." I squeak out, please don't reject me.

"Are you trying to ask me to come over and watch Star Wars with you right now?" Damn, he saw right through me.

"Depends." Say yes Elliot. Say yes.

"On what."

"If you say yes." I blurt out and shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the embarrassment.

"Give me twenty minutes." Is all he says before hanging up the call.

Is that a yes or should I kill myself?

The next twenty minutes are torture. I don't move, I don't do anything I just wait, staring at my phone as the minutes tick by. I have fuck all clue what I'm going to do if he actually turns up.

Unfortunately for me, that question is answered sooner than I thought because a knock at my door signals that I've run out of time.

Glancing down at my wonderful outfit which consists of an oversized top and some very small sleep shorts that aren't even visible, I sigh.

Good enough.

As I walk closer and closer to the door my nerves start to rise a little, I haven't seen him in two week and it's like three am by now and I'm in my fucking pyjamas.

I unlock the door with shaky hands (oh how I love anxiety) and come face to face with a very good looking Elliot.

I'm rooted to the spot for a moment as I take him in. Elliot's wearing plaid pyjama pants and a white wife beater that shows off all of his tattoos. His hair is messy and his face is still a little puffy from sleep.

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