10: Taehyung's Sister

Start from the beginning

"Alright, let me know too okay Noona?"

"I will Tae. And don't tell the others just yet. I'll tell them later when I've made my final decision." 

The two look up from their conversation to see the others talking amongst themselves. Then Yoongi looked up and made eye contact with Hyejin, who looked away immediately. "Why'd you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Look away from Yoongi hyung. Do you like him?" 

"Really Tae? Just because I looked away means nothing." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and stood up, helping his sister stand. Then they made their way to the others. "We should go back. We have school tomorrow."

"Ugh don't remind me. School is no fun," Jimin said as he laid on the floor. "That's too bad kiddo." Hoseok said and Jimin eyed him with a funny look.

"But Jimin hyung, you said school was fun because you always got to see -- " Jimin got up so fast and tackled Jungkook to the ground. Everyone was curious to who he was going to say. "Jimin, do you have a crush on someone?" Jin asked and the other members began to smirk. 

"No hyung I don't. Ignore Jungkook, he doesn't know anything."

"If he didn't know anything then you wouldn't have stopped him." Hyejin pointed out and the others agreed. "Whatever, just drop the topic please. If I do ever have a crush I'll tell you guys. But not you," He pointed to Hyejin who was confused.

"Why not me? If anything, it's them you shouldn't tell. They're the ones who will tease you and let's be honest. How much experience do they have talking to girls and getting their attention?"

"Are you saying that you have plenty of experience talking to guys Noona?"

"No Tae. I'm saying as a girl, I understand better what other girls like compared to you."

"I don't know. We have so many fans who are girls, so I beg to differ," Yoongi said and Hyejin had no comment. 

"Okay now that we're done with that. Can we go back now?" Jimin asked.


Morning came and it was school again. The maknae line and Hyejin made their way to school but then Hyejin remembered something important.

"I forgot about the students. They know what I look like and I'm the only girl who hangs out with you guys! They will know I'm your sister and then expose my face if they dislike me enough. Which by the way, I'm sure they already dislike me from the last incident."

Taehyung stopped in his tracks and faced his sister. "Noona. Breathe. You will be okay. If they find out then so what? They can't do anything because I know manager-nim and Bang PD-nim will do what they can to stop them. So relax and calm down please,"

"Alright, you're right. I shouldn't be too worried."

"Plus, you have all of us here for support," Jimin said as Jungkook patted Hyejin's shoulder. "Thank you guys so much."

"Now let's take over the school!" Jimin jokingly said but in reality, they already have.

Once they entered the doors, they were hit with questions and statements from students. In particular, female students. 

"Jungkook! Who is the girl in the pictures?"

"Taehyung are you sure that's your sister? Did she brainwash you?"

"Jimin are you single?"

"Jungkook and Jimin stay away from her! She might taint you."

"Taehyung just dump her! She doesn't even have the looks to be your sister."

It was getting too crowded but before it got worse, the teachers and school guards came to clear the path. All the girls were held back, including Hyejin, to let the maknae line walk through. Taehyung noticed his sister was no where in site and he began to panic. The other two noticed as well and began to search among the crowd. Jungkook found her first and she tried to tell them to go on ahead but she felt herself being pushed to the back of the crowd. 

Soon enough, she was there. It was nothing new, she was used to being at the back. But now that she was there, the girls' attention went away from her to the boys. So Hyejin used this time to walk to her class and wait for the guys there.

Obviously I can't walk with them.

A few minutes later, the maknae line came in leaving the crowd of girls at the door. "This is crazy. You know, I think some of those girls don't go to our school. I saw them with different uniforms on." Jimin said as he was fixing his uniform and Taehyung and Jungkook were spotting each other's hair.

"What are you guys going to do about this? It's clear that I can't walk with you guys to school and honestly...it might have to go back how it was. Where I don't acknowledge you and we just act like classmates. Acquaintances."

"Noona I'm not going to do that. Just because those people are acting that way should not deter you from spending time with us." Taehyung said as he sat in the seat next to her.

"Whoa Taehyung, you use the word 'deter'." Jimin jokingly pointed out and Jungkook smacked his hyung appropriately.

"Tae I know that it seems a stretch to do this but it might be for the best. I don't want you guys dealing with that every morning."

"It'll be fine. I promise. We can talk about this with the others and Bang PD. For now, let's act like it didn't happen. Okay?"



Lunch time came around and this time, they all had to get lunch in the cafeteria. Hyejin felt herself starting to worry and sweat, she was never used to all this attention before and she doesn't want it now. 

"Guys I'll get food later. I'm not that hungry."

"Are you kidding me? I heard your stomach growling during class," Jimin said as he grabbed a tray and handed it down to the others. 

"But everyone is staring."

"Let them stare. I know you're new to this but just try and be cool. Don't stress," Jimin said as he made his way down the line followed by Hyejin, then Taehyung and Jungkook. Fine. Just be cool. No stress. No worries. Be happy. Easier said than done Jimin.

They all got their food and found a table, to Hyejin's dismay, was at the center of the cafeteria. They all sat and Hyejin was the only one feeling self-conscious. She's never felt this way before and now that she has, she hates it. 

"See? It wasn't so bad Noona."

"Easy for you to say Tae. You guys are so used to being watched all the time that now it's nothing. But for me, I hate it. I feel like I'm living with our dad again. I have to be on the lookout and not do anything wrong or else something will go wrong."

"I didn't think of it like that...I'm sorry Noona." 

"It's fine Tae. But you guys go ahead and eat. I can't anymore, I'm going up." Hyejin left her food and the cafeteria. While everyone watched the maknae line, the maknae line watched Hyejin.

"We gotta do something Tae. We didn't think about school either and how it'd be but now that we know, we gotta help Hyejin." Jimin said and Jungkook agreed. Taehyung wants to help his sister but how? The only way he can think of is to tell the principle...but he and the others don't want special privilege.

The only way out is to tell them Hyejin is Taehyung's sister. 

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