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April 18, 2022


Düsseldorf, Germany


I glanced up from my phone to see Ashton hopping back and forth, which made me furrow my eyebrows from confusion, "It's his pre-performance ritual," Luke told me.


"Yeah, you get used to it though, just becomes normal," he chuckled.

"We should probably head back," Sierra came over to Luke and kissed his cheek, "so we don't miss the performance,"

"I'll see you after," he smiled at her.

"Good luck," she pecked his lips. "You coming, Sage? Or hanging out here,"

"I'll come," I said and she nodded. I stood up and put my phone in my pocket, then followed her and Crystal out. I had no idea where my mom was, but I didn't really bother to ask. She hadn't said one word to me this whole trip, but everyone else was super nice. I was having fun despite her.

"Are you excited?" Crystal asked me and I nodded with a smile.


"Plus you're getting the VIP experience, so it makes it even better," she nudged me.

"Next time we'll throw you into the pit," Sierra said.

"I don't think I'd survive that," I admitted, making them laugh. We made it to the VIP area and I saw tons of people taking pictures of them. People knew about my mom and Ashton, but I was out of the picture from it all. Well, I guess until now. That picture would probably be everywhere on social media.

The show had eventually started and everyone was screaming. It was honestly a great show. I had always liked their music, but the concert was amazing. They were great live and brought a lot of energy to the stage. While Crystal, Sierra, and I were dancing around and having fun, my mom sat behind us not paying attention. She would watch at times, but for the most part she was on her phone. It was honestly a little bit embarrassing for me. This was her boyfriend, and she didn't care at all.

Once they finished the encore, security led us all backstage again where the guys where. Everyone was celebrating and congratulating the guys before they gathered everything up to leave. "What did you think, Sage?" Ashton asked as we were walking out. His arm was around my mom, obviously wanting her to feel included in the conversation.

"I really liked it, you guys did a great job," I grinned.

"Well next up in the Netherlands, it'll be fun," he smiled. "For now you get to sleep on a tour bus,"

"Fine by me, I'm exhausted,"

"You say that now, but just wait," Michael spoke up. "It's uncomfortable,"

"It's not awful," Calum argued.

"You don't have back problems,"

"She's fifteen, I doubt she has back problems like you," the two went back and forth arguing as we went back to the tour bus. Once we were on, I crammed into the tiny bathroom and threw on a sweatshirt and pair of PJ shorts. Everyone was doing their own thing, some talking and others trying to wind down for the evening. I was in the winding down category. Once I was in my PJs with my hood up, I crawled into my bed and shut my curtain without anyone noticing. I put in my airpods and played music quietly until I ended up drifting off to sleep.



A/N: I have a new story out called Imaginary! Go ahead and check it out if you want!

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