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April 17, 2022


Düsseldorf, Germany


"Grab our luggage, come on," mom rushed me. I stood in front of her at the conveyer belt, watching the different luggages go past. Though I had already told her ours hadn't arrived, she didn't care and kept rushing me. I stopped arguing it at that point and just let her rush me.
The flight was awkward. Mom hadn't spoken to me at all, it was clear she was annoyed I was tagging along. It was only for a week, but that didn't matter. Meanwhile, dad was thrilled I wouldn't be home. Right when I mentioned the trip and that it was free, he agreed. Him and mom went back and forth in the McDonald's parking lot about it, but at the end of the day he won. I was gone for the week.

"There it is, get it, come on Sage," mom rushed me. I pulled our two bags off the belt (hers being way heavier than mine), and dropped them with a huff. "Be careful, Jesus, your father did a shit job raising you,"

"Not much of being raised," I mumbled under my breath so she wouldn't hear. SHe didn't say another word, but I followed her out of the airport. She was constantly checking her phone as we waited, but then started to walk. As per usual, I followed. I assumed someone had gotten us a ride, because she passed her bag to the driver that stepped out, then got in without another word. Instead of giving my bag to the driver, I followed him to the trunk and put mine next to my mom's.

He said something to me in German and looked at me, but I just froze, "I'm sorry, I don't speak German," I apologized.

"5sauce?" he questioned, his accent thick.

"Yes," I nodded. He just nodded and went back to the driver's seat while I got in the back with my mom. He drove away from the airport, but I had no idea where we were going. After a half hour, he pulled up to a hotel and parked the car, then got out. He grabbed our bags and mom walked off with her luggage.

"Thank you," I smiled at him, but he just stood with a look of confusion. "Oh, uh danke," I corrected, which made him smile.

"Bitte," he said, then went back to the car. I sighed in relief, grateful I knew the two words I did, then went into the hotel lobby. When I went in, Ashton was hugging my mom tightly, the two giggling happily since they were reunited.

"Hey Sage, how was the flight?" Ashton asked as I came over.

"Good, it was my first flight,"

"Oh really?" he raised his eyebrows and I nodded.

"I've never been out of the country or on a plane,"

"Well trust me, this will be the best trip you'll ever have," he smiled happily. "We're all already checked in, I'll show you guys to the rooms," he offered. I followed behind them to the elevator as he hit the fifth floor button, then dug through his wallet and pulled out two key cards. "Sage, we got you your own room. We're only here one more night, but I figured you'd want some space before you're trapped on a tour bus with a bunch of adults,"

"You didn't have to," I said as he handed me the key card.

"Least I could do," he smiled. The doors opened and we walked out. He showed us each of the guys' rooms, his and my moms room, then mine. While the two went to their room, I went into mine. It was a nice size with a king bed in the middle. I sighed in relief when I finally got a moment by myself and collapsed onto the bed before letting sleep take over me.

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