Cinderella is Dead

Start from the beginning

"I got it! Thanks!" 

I designed as fast as I could until I was finally done with all three. I picked up the small stack of papers and knocked on Adrien's door.

"Come in." I heard after a lot of noise coming from inside. I opened the door and saw Adrien sitting at his desk with paper's all over the place and Lila staring at her computer suspiciously. 

"I finished the designs for tomorrow." I gestured to the papers in my hand. 

"Put them on the table, I may be home late so don't wait for me." 

"Okay. Bye!" I waved sweetly and left. 

I walked out of our modern workplace and headed towards Adrien and I's cramped apartment. 

"It's good to be home." I sighed. 

"Wow it's 7pm already!" Tikki exclaimed.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her.

"Cookies!" She flew over to the ceramic jar on the counter and phased through it. 

"I'll cook something for Adrien." I decided and grabbed the freshly marinated steak from the refrigerator. I took the frying pan hanging from the ceiling rack and cooked the steak. An hour later I finished the steak. I set it up and lit a tall, scented candle. 

"Tikki it's already 8. Adrien isn't here yet?"

"He said he would be home late, Marinette. Maybe he's just looking over your new designs and giving it to the people who create the designs." Tikki suggested. "It's already late, you should get some sleep." 

"Yeah, okay." I finished my dinner, left Adrien's on the table, and was about to blow out the candle when I got a text from Adrien.

I'm going to be a bit late, Mari. Don't wait for me. There's a lot at work.

I sighed. "Of course." I stared at the candle in front of me. "I wish, I was nineteen in a white dress. And Adrien would propose to me." I wished and blew out the candle.

"Are you sure you want that?" Tikki asked.

"Of course. He's the love of my life." I responded with hearts in my eyes. "I guess I should go to bed now." I got ready for bed and climbed under the covers. My eyes closed and I quickly drifted off into slumber. 

"Purr-incess." Chat said.

"Hey, Chat!" He climbed on my balcony. "How's everything going with you and Ladybug." 

"Not so hot, unlike me of course. She rejected me again!"

Before I could respond, I was teleported to a forest. Adrien was in a tuxedo and I was in a beautiful wedding dress.

"I don't. I never loved you." Adrien stated smugly.

"B-But when you told me I'm your princess-"

"I never meant it of course. I don't love you." He repeated. "I don't love you. I don't love you." He repeated again, this time the words became more muffled until I finally shot up.

"W-What?" I asked. Hurt flashed through my eyes then I realized I was in my pajamas in bed. "It was all a dream. Thank goodness." I sighed and fell back onto my pillow. I looked at Adrien's side of the bed for reassurance only to see an empty pillow.

"He's at work, remember?" Tikki reminded. "He'll be back soon." 

"It's already 11pm." I groaned and stared at the ceiling. "What if he doesn't love me anymore."

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