Cinderella is Dead

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Requested by LinzR81! Thank you! I'm so sorry that took so long!

"Did you finish the designs?" My wonderful boyfriend asked me.

"Of course, Adrien! They're right here!" I pointed to a short stack on my desk.

"These are awful, Marinette! Do better." He took the pieces of paper and walked away.

"B-But it took me weeks to make those." 

"Then don't expect to be paid overtime." Adrien stated and went back into his office. He peeked his head back out, and I became hopeful. "Oh, and my new secretary is starting today." He rolled his eyes at me and left.

"Chloe, how am I supposed to finish these by tomorrow!" I cried. Chloe, a model and my best friend, hugged me in reassurance.

"Don't worry. I'll help you." 

She sat next to me and started designing half of the pieces with me. By time lunch break started we were almost finished.

"Thank you so much, Chloe. You were a lot of help." I thanked graciously.

"Of course, Mari-"

"I'm here!" A new voice singsonged.  We both turned around only to face Lila Rossi.

"Lila! Welcome! Your desk is in my office." Adrien led her to his office. "So your voice doesn't hurt so you can sing for Jagged Stone next week." Lila shot me a victorious glance and followed Adrien inside.

"Still the same liar as high school." Chloe mumbled. 

"Of course." I scoffed. "Lunch?" I offered.

"Yes! Let's go to the Roast Factory!" Chloe suggested. I packed my things and peeked into Adrien's office. He was on the phone while Lila was on the computer.

"Adrien, I'm going out on my lunch break." I whispered. He nodded and waved me off. "Okay! Let's go!" I smiled and we went down the elevator to the ground floor.

"So what do you think of our new secretary?" Chloe asked me.

"As long as I don't see or hear her, I don't care." I replied and walked towards the small bistro on the corner of Elm and Oak street.

"Hello! Welcome to the Roast Factory! How can I help you?" 

"Table for two please." Chloe responded.

"Right this way." He led us to a small booth of the far side of the bistro. "Hi, I'm Doug. I'll be your server today, can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll take a Pepsi." Chloe answered.

"And I'll get a Coke."

"Any appetizers?"

"Nope. I think we're good." I nodded.

"Great, I'll be right back with your drinks." Doug said and left the table.

"So you aren't worried at all, Mari?"

"No? Why would I be worried?" I asked confused. 

"I mean, your high school bully comes back into your life and now works in the same room as your boyfriend?" Chloe explained.

"Oh, well, not really. I trust Adrien. He wouldn't cheat on me." I assured her and maybe myself a little, too.

We enjoyed the rest of our lunch and sadly had to go back to work. I sat back down on my chair in a heap.

"I only have three designs left." I closed my eyes and waited patiently for inspiration. Nothing. "Tikki, I'm low on inspiration again." 

"Okay. Close your eyes." I closed my eyes. "Now pretend you're at your happy place," I thought of Adrien and I's home. "Now imagine everyone you love and care about with you." I imagined Chloe and Adrien right next to me, laughing. "What are they wearing?" I opened my eyes. 

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