Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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"Marinette!" Chloe yelled into my ear.

"I'm up. I'm listening." I jumped out of my chair.

"Is there anything you'd like to say, Marinette?" Ms. Bustier asked.

"No, ma'am." Lila's posse snickered. I slouched further into my chair.

"You can't sleep now, Marinette. Ms. Bustier's giving out our finals assignment!" Chloe informed.

"Is it the end of the year already? Thank goodness." I sighed.

That year, Lila took away all of my friends. Honestly, I was fine with that, I didn't really care. Chloe became my best friend and we shared everything with each other. Chloe found out I'm Ladybug, I found out her parents aren't just 'on a break' and that they're actually divorced. Like what the heck. Anyway, it's finally the end of the school year and Ms. Bustier is probably thinking of some dumb end of the year assignment. That lady has been absolutely no help this year.

"As I was saying, your end of the year assignment is to make a script for a play." Ms. Bustier said.


"Shouldn't that be for the theatre department?"


"Or an art class?"

"Students, please. The reason I'm giving you this assignment is because the school board saw that we had no outside activities. So, you will create your script. The class will anonymously vote on the best one, then we can can vote on a director, and cast roles! We will be performing your play next month, so we don't have much time." Ms. Bustier explained. The class started to become excited at the thought of an easy final.

"Did you know, I actually starred in a really famous movie?" Lila lied.

"No way!"


"What was the movie called?"

"Oh, it was called the Habit. It was about an elf named Bibo Bags! He goes on a quest for hidden treasure guarded by a dragon named Snug. It's a great movie! I actually helped direct the movie, as well!"

"Wow! You could definitely play the lead!"

"And direct!"

"What about me?" Mylene asked.

"Don't be so selfish. Lila's obviously better."

"What about me?" Nino asked.

"Lila's still better."

I scoffed. "Chloe. Did you here her? She sounds so stupid. The movie is the Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit, and the treasure is guarded by Smaug."

"I know right. It's like they're stupid." She faked shock. "Oh wait, my bad, they are." We both laughed.

"That's really cool, Lila! I'm afraid you can only have one job, though."

"Oh, that's okay. I'm too busy to take on both roles anyway. Plus, Nino would be a great director! Good enough to be introduced to my director friend! I'd love to play the lead, though! Mylene you'd be excellent as well! I'd choose you as the lead for sure! That's not up to me, though."

"Aw! Thanks for being such a good sport, Lila! Anyway, back to the assignment, there must around 13 roles. The other two people will be the director and the stage manager. Everyone will help outside their roles. You will be in 3 groups. Set, props, and costumes." Chloe and I looked at each other. "So sign up on this sheet on your way out. Your homework is to pair up in partners," Chloe and I looked at each other again. "And work on the script. There may be a group of 3 since it's an odd number. You have until the end of class tomorrow to finish the script." The bell rung. "Don't forget to sign up! Have a great day." Ms. Bustier said and left the room. One by one, everyone got up and signed up for something.

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