Fight Song

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"I'm sorry, Marinette. But you have to take the high road." Adrien said smirking. "It's better for Lila. Cause she has feelings, too! Would you please respect other people's feelings!"

"Ew no. I'm sorry," I started in a fake sweet voice. Alya, Adrien and Lila looked smug. "I didn't realize hyenas have feelings, too! But don't worry! I'm sure there's a freakishly ugly and annoying hyena out there for you, too! He may be in a zoo, though." I said faking sympathy. I smirked right up in her ugly face. "I'm sure he won't care if you look like a bloated whale wearing too much makeup your skin could peel right off." I smiled broadly. "He'll love you for your bratty attitude and your nose the size of an orange! And, of course, who could forget, your beautiful eyebrows! If they existed." I praised.

"Aw! Would you look at that!" Adrien said. "You two are finally getting along!" Lila just stood there with a 'kick me in the teeth' smile.

"Yes! Of course." Lila strained a happy smile. She looked like she was about to punch Adrien in the face. For the record, I'd pay to see that.

"That's great Lila!" Alya screamed in pride. "You finally got your bully over to your side! But if it weren't for me, she would have still been bullying you, so I think you owe me. How about we start with the Daily Planet!"

"Sure, Alya! B-Bu-" Lila got cut off from my giggling.

"Oh- my g-osh." I said in between giggles. "You guys actually thought I was for real?" I gave them an 'are you serious look'. "Wow. That's so embarrassing for you!" I laughed. "If you think I'm actually going to take the high road and let her lie, you're correct."

"Good." Adrien sighed.

"So you don't want me to be Like a small boat, On the ocean. Sending big waves, Into motion?"

"Yes, good you're getting it." Adrien clapped slowly.

"Oh so Like how a single word, Can make a heart open."

"Yeah, I guess so? I'm not really sure what you're talking about. All these boats and open heart surgery or something."

"But! The thing is I might only have one match,

But I can make an explosion." I replied darkly.

"What do you mean? No! No explosion! Just kindness towards others, especially Lila!" Adrien said like a teacher.

"Sure! I'll take the high road!" I feigned. Adrien smiled broadly while Lila looked pleased and Alya looked confused. "You want to know why?" I asked getting closer to Lila's face. "Because I don't care about any of you." I put simply. The class looked bewildered thinking Adrien was going to set me straight.

"H-How could you say that to your friends! That's so mean!" Lila cried.

"Not everything's a fairytale, sweetie." I rolled my eyes. "Get that into your thick skulls."

"Well. It seems like you need to be taught a lesson." Alya attempted to threaten me. I looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Okay, cool. Why would you care. I don't care about you, so you shouldn't care about me." I smirked.

"That's it!" Alya announced and attempted to punch me in the face. I caught her hand and twisted it enough to sprain her wrist.

"Are you done? I'm getting quite bored." I said blankly.

"No! We are not done!" Alya announced once again, this time wincing in pain.

"What do you need now." I asked examining at my nails.

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