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This chapter is dedicated to QueenKitten001 for motivating me to write this! And to ayshashahana123 for helping me decide the fate of Tim and Jon- and our love for MacGyver... Anyway! Enjoy!

"I do" I looked loving my into my soon-to-be husband's green eyes.

"And do you, Adrien Agreste, take MDC, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

This was a marriage of convenience, but I couldn't help but feeling excited. Gabriel wanted MDC to work with the GABRIEL brand, and since Marinette already liked Adrien, it seemed possible.

"I-I don't." Gasps echoed throughout the place. Tears were brimming the rims of my eyes. "I'm sorry Marinette, but I don't love you."

With those words, I ran out. I knew the paparazzi were in the front entrance, so I called Jean and he picked me up at the back Chloe followed suit. When we got in the limo, I took my mask off. We sat in silence, apart from my sobbing of course. Chloe put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I attempt to smile.

"Hey. Mari. It's gonna be okay. If he doesn't see how amazing you are, he doesn't deserve you nor your tears." I weakly looked up at her.

"Thanks Chloe."

"Jean, drop us off at the airport."

"Where are we going?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Anywhere away from Agreste." I would've thought that I'd cry when I heard his name, but surprisingly, my face held a vicious smirk.

"Agreste won't know what hit him." Chloe had the same plan apparently because we flew straight to her family's villa in the Bahamas.

"Hey Chloe!" I said yawning. Tiredly, I came into to kitchen. We got here yesterday night, so now the jet lag is kicking in.

"Hi Mari!" She said excitedly. A handful of people said we have a lot in common, being a morning person in not one of them. "We don't have much food here so we need to go to the grocery store after breakfast."

"No! What if people recognize me?" I said whilst grabbing my tablet. I quickly put in my password and went to the news app. I clicked on the top trending video of this week and shoved it in her face.

"Hey everyone and welcome back to Face to Face with your host: Nadja Chamack! Today, we have Adrien Agreste to give his statement on why he said no to MDC on their wedding earlier today." She turned to Adrien.

"Well, MDC and I have always had our similarities. We were always so in love. But yesterday, I guess I saw something that I didn't like." He wrinkled his face.

"If I may ask, what was it you didn't like?" Adrien froze for a moment.

"Oh I uh- it was a while ago... I don't remember the little things?" Nadja raised an eyebrow.

"Oh so, this morning was a while ago? And denying THE figure of fashion of today is just a little thing?"

"Oh-I um..."

"Well it seems we have our answer-"

"Ok- fine. It was herself." Canned gasps played. "MDC didn't look.. well...MDC-ish."

"Oh! How so?"

"Well. Her dress was only one layered, she looked too... too simple." Nadja gasped.  "I like women who show everyone their power like Lila. Lila's like the embodiment of my type. She shows everyone her fame and frame."

"So you're saying you denied MDC because you cheated on her with Lila?"

"Well... I mean-MDC's dress didn't have lace or anything! It just had rose patterned onto it, it's out of date." Adrien claimed trying to sound like he knew anything about fashion. Nadja looked confused.

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