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After appa and yibo left me and eomma were left home I thought of going outside and finding for a job I helped eomma with dishes and went into my room and started to dress up after dressing up I went down stairs I asked eomma "eomma can I go outside for a while?" Eomma asked "for what bunny do you need something?" I was hesitating but I have to tell her truth so I said "eomma I going to find a job". Eomma said "Why zhan-zhan appa is there right you don't need to earn he is already so rich and lazy do you want him to become more lazy" I said "eomma I don't want to be a burden on you guys" suddenly eomma came near me and catched my ear and said " my little bunny is all mature but don't forget I am your eomma so be quite you're not a burden on us do you get that you are our family ok and if you say this next time I will beat you like I used to beat yibo when he didn't study in his childhood " I asked eomma "Yibo don't like studying?" Eomma said "yes he doesn't like to study only in his childhood not now and one day I bet him so he can start studying and he did start studying forget about this come shall we go on a date?" I said ok we went and started dressing up after that we went to see movie and then we went for lunch and some shopping after that we came back to home we saw yibo already came back to home as soon as we came he asked "where did you both go?"

Yibo's pov

My classes were completed I thought of going somewhere else but I remembered that zhan ge was there in home so I rushed like flash to my house I went and I saw there was lock on the door I opened the door I always have a spare key with me just in any case you know I wonder where zhan ge went and even eomma is not there so I went to our room and freshen up then I was hungry so I thought maybe there is something in the kitchen to eat so I went into the kitchen and saw nothing I was like really bro if they wanted to go outside they should have told me now I am fucking starving I went and sat on the sofa and took my phone I was bored so I started to watching YouTube after sometime in heard the door opening sound I saw zhan ge and eomma happily chit-chating with each other and coming together inside I was damn frustrated for some reason I don't why I asked them " where did you both go?" Zhan ge was about to reply but eomma said "we went to a date then first we saw a movie then we did lunch and some shopping" I asked "you went on a date with my zhan ge?" She laughed out loud and said "what's with my zhan ge huh he is not yours ok and what's wrong with going on a date with my son do you have a problem?" I said "nothing you can let me know right I am fucking starving like hell you didn't cook anything for me and went outside on date and zhan ge you don't need to go on a date with eomma you can go with me instead" I saw zhan ge blushing he didn't say anything then eomma said "such a shameless boy go I will cook something for you and zhan ge go and fresh up otherwise your bodi will get angry ok go" I said "come zhan ge let's go and eomma call us after you are done cooking ok" I dragged zhan ge upstairs and locked the door zhan ge asked "Why are you locking the door yibo?"

Zhan's pov

Yibo dragged me into our room and locked the door I panicked and asked "Why are you locking the door yibo?" He slowly started to come towards me and said "you should have told me I would have took you on a date why bother eomma?" I said "Yibo eomma took me on a date not me ok and what's wrong with it? " he pounced on me and pinned me to the bed and started kissing me I froze on the spot I don't know what to do my brother is kissing me? he bit my lip I moaned and opened my mouth he slipped his tounge inside my mouth and he slipped his hand in my shirt he started playing with my nipples and suddenly he came near my ear and whispered in my ear "your mine only mine do you get that" and licked and nibbled my ear I felt chills down my spine I don't know what to say then....

Let me know what do you think happened?

Hi my lovely stars I hope you like this I sincerely apologise for the late update😀. The phone I am using was in ICU for few days that is why I couldn't update I will repair it as soon as possible sorry once again. ❤

Let me know what do you think in the comments. 💜

MY STEP BROTHER IS OBSESSED WITH MY LIPSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ