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I said" it's not your fault ok let's go down stairs we have to cut the cake and let's eat I made so many different types of dishes for you OK eomma and appa are also waiting so let's go".

Yibo's pov

When zhan ge came out of bathroom he walked two steps and slipped and fell on me and our lips crashed together I was so surprised because of how soft,juicy and warm the lips were he tried to stand but fell again I was in verge of losing my mind I just wanted to pin zhan ge to the bed and kiss him. Thank god I didn't do anything idiotic zhan ge stood and apologised to me I said it's OK and we went down stairs.

Zhan's pov

We came back down and I went near the dining area and sat on the dining table yibo went into the kitchen and brought a cake. On top on the cake it was written "WELCOME TO YOUR HOUSE ZHAN GE ". I don't know why but tears started to flow non stop eomma came near me and embraced me and said "it's OK my little bunny what happened if your parents are not there they might not be by your side but there blessings are always with you ok and now you have beautiful, smart ,young and gorgeous eomma and an old appa and a handsome, sharp,and cute brother now ok ". Appa said "Why did I become an old man I am also very handsome and strong". I chuckled by listening their cute bricking then we had family hug me, yibo eomma and appa. After this they told me to cut the cake. So I did cut the cake and first piece I feed to eomma then appa then I went near yibo he opened his mouth and took a bite and feed the same piece to me I blushed as yibo's fingers touched my tounge he licked his fingers which made me blush even more I was above to sit on the table is forgot to wash my hands so I asked "eomma where is the kitchen I have to wash my hands" eomma was about to say something but suddenly yibo said "come zhan ge I will lead you to kitchen I am also going into kitchen I have to bring the food ok let's go". I said ok we went in the kitchen is was above to wash my hand yibo caught my hand and started to lick my fingers I was shocked by his action. After licking and sucking my fingers he said " Why waste the delicious cream on your hand that is why I licked of the cream now wash your hands ". I did what he said and we took all the dishes and went to dining hall after that I saw yibo getting more and more dishes I was about to ask but before I did eomma asked "what is this yibo how many dishes did you cook?" Yibo said "eomma I don't know what zhan ge would like that is why I made everything." Eomma said "silly boy you should have asked me if would tell you pabo." Yibo pouted and said "eomma don't call me pabo I am not pabo ok now let's start eating zhan ge eat and tell how did I make these ?" I ate and said "wow this so delicious who taught you cooking it's amazing I love it." He blushed and said "Thank you zhan ge." After eating we said good night to each other and went into our bedrooms I said " Zhan ge you choose which side do you want right or left" he said " any side is fine let's sleep ok". And then we slept after half an hour I heard zhan ge crying in sleep I tapped on his shoulder to wake him up. After trying for few minutes he woke and hugged me tightly while sobbing saying "don't go please don't go" I patted his head saying "shh zhan ge I am right here I am not going anywhere ok". Zhan ge said "please don't go please stay here with me". I said "ok come let's sleep I am right here" he hugged me more tightly and kept his head on my chest and after sometime he doze of to dream land.

What do you think ?

What happened in zhan ge's dream which made him termble in fear?

Let me know what do you think? In the comments.

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