...CHAPTER 16...

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Kozue had been walking home alone when she spotted two little girls being picked on

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Kozue had been walking home alone when she spotted two little girls being picked on.

She furrowed her brows noting their harassers seemed to be elder boys, and she immediately made her way over to the situation. The minute the boys saw her, they paled, opting to stop their torment and rushed off in a hurry.

The two girls turned around confused, their poor little faces stained with tears and Kozue offered them the warmest smile she could muster. She didn't want to scare them after all.

"Are you two alright?" She asked and their little faces beamed with smiles.

"We are now Miss!"

"Yeah! Thanks for saving us!" The other chimed, and Kozue could feel her heart fluttering. She wasn't the biggest fan of kids, but these two were just utterly adorable.

"Are you two okay to go home?"

"W- we... we're lost." The younger of the two said as her eyes began to well with tears again and she crouched down to their height. She had no idea how to comfort kids, so she opted to just pat her head which oddly seemed to work.

"Don't cry, I'll help you get home." She assured them confidently. "I'm here so you don't need to worry."

They felt a lot better seeing the pretty girl was going to help them, and each of them took hold of one of her hands. She was a little surprised, though she let it slide because she didn't want them to cry again.

"My names Kingston Kozue, but you can call me whatever you'd like." She said and they nodded delightfully.

"I'm Mana, and that's Luna!"

Their big doe eyes watched her, noticing the way she held herself so confidently and they admired that about her. She felt like a big sister, and they felt very safe around her even though they had just met.

As they made their way home, the two siblings tried to mimic her, right down to the way she walked, and she noticed which brought her some amusement.


Kozue managed to get them home easily. It turned out they lived in the same building and were just a few doors down, so it wasn't much trouble at all.

"Will you come play with us?" The eldest of the two asked as she knocked on the door, but before she could answer them, the door opened.

There stood a familiar silver haired boy, and she tried to remember where she had seen him.

'Manjiro's friend?'

Mitsuya's lilac eyes went wide seeing the dark haired girl before him and he opened his mouth before shutting it again.

What is Mikey's friend doing here?'

"Nii-chan! This is Koukou!" His baby sister chimed and only then did he look down and spot his two sisters. Relief instantly washed over him, and he bent down giving them each a hug.

Kindred (Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x OC)Where stories live. Discover now