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"No! Dad!~"

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"No! Dad!~"

"Don't leave me, please don't leave~"


The said girl woke up in an unfamiliar room, her chest heaving and sweat beading down her face. The walls weren't their usual shade of grey, but a warm white. The smell was different, the air, everything except for the familiar warmth of her mother's arms that were wound tightly around her.

"Jeez you scared me half to death! You wouldn't wake up!" Her mother's voice rung in her ear, her arms getting tighter around her.

Too tired from exhaustion, Kozue simply slumped against her mother's shoulder, trying to steady her breathing. She looked around again, suddenly remembering why everything felt so different.

It's because it was.

They had moved to Japan a few days ago after living in the States her entire life and as expected, she hadn't adjusted. Even though this was her first time in Japan, her parents had raised her with a Japanese etiquette, and she already knew the language well.

"Are you still getting them every night? The nightmares?" Her mother's shaky voice asked, and Kozue pulled back to look at her mother's warm brown eyes, a sharp contrast to her steel grey ones.

"No ma I'm fine. That was the first in a long time." She lied expertly, not wanting to worry her mother any more by telling her they plagued her every night. Her mother gave her a weary look before standing up and smoothing out her clothes. She looked exhausted, evident by the bags under her eyes and sluggish movement despite it being morning. Kozue felt guilty seeing her mother like this, and wished she could help out more, but she would only insist that school was more important.

'Important my ass.'

"Alright, well you start school today remember? I've cooked breakfast and I expect you to have your room unpacked later tonight." Her mother warned passively, and the dark haired girl nodded her head as she looked around the many unopened boxes in her room.

The only things that had a stable place was her futon and desk which held a single picture of her and her parents.

Kozue's dark hair and feminine features were about the only thing she inherited from her mother. Otherwise, she was basically a clone of her father, right down to the personality. Her steel grey eyes are her most notable feature and people often made comments about how unique they are. They remind her of him every day and it made her miss him all the more.

"Wish you were here, dad." She whispered, staring at the picture a moment too long. Snippets of her nightmare flashed through her mind, and she sighed deeply rubbing her face with her hands before tangling them in her hair. She dragged herself from the comfort of her futon before getting ready for hell.

She was going to school for the first time in Japan and it would be her first time ever being 'the new kid'. She wasn't excited in the least and wished that the next two years of her life in High School would go by quickly.

She was planning to keep to herself like she usually did. It was the best way to keep drama out of her life and her drama out of others, but she had no idea what the school year had lined up for her.

'Two more years Kozue, you can do it.'


"Oh, you must be the new student in my class! I can take you there!" An unfamiliar boy said, and she looked at him confused for a moment before looking to the receptionist who sent her a rude nod.

She tightened her jaw slightly before turning back to the eager boy and nodded without a word as she fell into step behind him.

She had made it to school in one piece, but she couldn't help the irritated feeling she had whenever she stepped into such a place. She would much rather be anywhere else than here.

"My names Ikeda Haru by the way. Pleasure to meet you." He said politely as he looked over his shoulder to see she was looking around the halls. Those pretty eyes of hers didn't meet his once, but he just figured she was curious about the place due to it being her first day.

"Yeah." She said briefly before going silent again. The boy thought she was simply too shy so he didn't bother her anymore, but he couldn't help but blush a little. He had never seen someone as beautiful as her before.

Ikeda Haru was well known as some of the best eye candy in the second years and had already had a few girlfriends. Many girls wanted him, pined for him. He was quite the player on the down low, though he still managed to keep up his 'nice boy' façade intact.

They walked down the halls of the school, muffled voices coming from behind the doors of closed rooms as classes had already begun and she sighed wishing to disappear.

She wasn't one to get nervous, she was more irritated than anything. She knew everyone was going to be sitting there judging her, especially since she was only half Japanese, and she couldn't be bothered to deal with it.

When she finally arrived outside her classroom Ikeda muttered something to the teacher before turning to send her a wink and finding his seat. Her gaze shifted to the teacher who smiled warmly at her, gesturing for her to come in. She felt many gazes land on her and she fought the urge to tense up, managing to keep a cool façade as she always did.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Come in and introduce yourself dear." She said and Kozue nodded before stepping in. Once she was in front of everyone, she heard gasps and whispers immediately and she had to force herself not to roll her eyes.

"She looks foreign!"

"I wonder if her name is foreign too!"

"Her eyes are so pretty!"

"Do you think they're just contacts though?"

She sighed before bowing politely.

"My name is Kingston Kozue. I grew up in the States and I'm half Japanese." She said wanting to clear out those rumours and confusion right away, a slight bit of sarcasm entered her voice. "Pleasure."

She looked to the teacher to finally be dismissed and when she nodded, Kozue let out a breath before taking the empty seat at the back near the window.

'How cliché.' She thought to herself.

She looked around the room, feeling many people's eyes on her but she avoided making direct eye contact with any of them. Sighing to herself for the millionth time, she pulled out a pencil and book before averting her attention to the window.

'I hate school.'


Welcome to my new story "Kindred"!

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Welcome to my new story "Kindred"!

I know I already have two other stories on the go that are a little untouched, but I'm finding it hard to continue on with them.

On the other hand, I'm having a ton or creativity for this new story so thought that I would share it.

I hope you enjoy! <3

Kindred (Manjiro &quot;Mikey&quot; Sano x OC)Where stories live. Discover now