...CHAPTER 10...

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Kozue was so exhausted from the previous day, all she wanted was to be alone and sleep

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Kozue was so exhausted from the previous day, all she wanted was to be alone and sleep. Of course, just like clockwork, Mikey strolled into the room, a smile on his face that wasn't quite as bright as usual and somehow the girl knew exactly why.


She just knew he was going to bring it up, but she really wasn't in the mood for it so when he sat down next to her about to open his mouth to speak, she beat him to it.

"Not today." She stated simply, cutting the boy off who's face fell to a frown. "I'm tired." She added and he could clearly see her exhaustion. I mean, he paid so much attention to her how could he not? But even so he still refused to leave, instead opting remain quiet while she closed her eyes, headphones on like usual while she blocked out the world.

He didn't feel an ounce of boredom, as he was now free to look at her as much as he wanted. He rested his head in his palm as he stared, doating on her like a silly lovesick teenager, admiring her happily. Even with the silence, he didn't mind. It still felt as if they were spending time together, time that made him feel comfortable. They didn't need to talk, he simply needed to be in her presence and that was enough.

He couldn't help but wonder about her life yet again. He had so many questions, so many things he wanted to ask her and he hoped one day he would get the chance to. He knows she can fight, and he wondered why? Did she have to learn, or did she want to? If so, why? How often has she been hurt? Who would want to hurt her? The thought made him sick.

After some time, her head fell against the window, and he frowned. It looked rather uncomfortable.

"Hey, Kou-chin~" He said softly as he moved to tap her shoulder but before he could, she shifted, her head falling to rest on his shoulder instead. His breath caught in his throat, electricity jolting through him as his face instantly heated up redder than a tomato and he pressed his lips together to try containing his happiness that was bursting at the seams.

'Oh my gosh she's touching me!' he thought childishly.

He was in the awkward position of standing but almost sitting so he carefully pulled his chair closer so that he could sit right beside her and let her rest comfortably. His hand carefully moved to wrap around her side, an action that made her snuggle even closer and his heart almost burst at how adorable she was like this.

It was like a whole other Kozue.

Using his other hand, he pulled out his phone, switching the camera around before pulling the peace sign and a cheeky face as he snapped a few pictures.

Yeah, he was never going to let this go.

He could feel the steady rhythm of her breathing, and he began feeling sleepy himself. It was like his own personal lullaby.

He knew he was walking on the edge of deaths door. Any minute she could wake up and send his ass out the window, but to him it was well worth it.

"Hey Mikey are you ready to-"

Kindred (Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x OC)Where stories live. Discover now