Chapter 21

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                     "Do you two do anything other than argue?"  Liam had asked. In this moment, Marinette couldn't deny the observation. After all, her current situation was the result of a disagreement. The tile was cold. Puddles of water even colder and slippery. The bathroom was a disaster at this point. Blow after blow, Marinette and Adrien physically sorted through their issues. Her back would likely be bruised in the morning from being thrust into the counter and bathroom stalls several times. His arms, sore from blocking her when she beat him with a broken faucet. Besides being soaking wet and out of breath, the fight wasn't over. They stood with sloppy posture, but still remained at the ready like two boxers at either side of the ring waiting for the ref to give permission to resume. With her hair plastered to her face, Marinette began to search for her next opening. Yet, at the same time, she didn't want to strike him further. More over, he too wore a tired and contemplating expression.

"Typical. I shouldn't have expected any less from you two." Mari felt a looming presence behind her. No doubt Monica's. Adrien hung his head as he slouched, accepting defeat. There wasn't much they could do anyway with how worn out they were. Emotionally and physically drained from the drama they'd experienced over the past several days."Now come nicely, and we won't have any issues."

"And, if we don't?" Dupain-Cheng huffed.

"Then I have no other choice." What was her plan here? Monica didn't have a lot of fighting skills, and she didn't have any henchmen."Flairmidable. You know what to do." Flairmidable!? That was the representative she was meeting with!? Except, that meant..... Before she knew it, Marinette was struck from behind. As she crumpled to the floor her vision blurred, every rib aching as she gasped for air. She felt weak, almost as if she'd been stabbed with a sedative.

"Felix,...... don't! Please!" Chat panicked backing away. This wasn't good. Adrien tried his best, but whatever his cousin did, sent her partner crashing to the floor. Where did he even come from!? Marinette didn't have the chance to process her questions as her eyelids gave way to drowsiness. In seconds she became surrounded by darkness. By the time she awoke, their surroundings had changed. As to be expected. For the second time, they'd been captured. Mari sighed as she took in her new surroundings. Where was Adrien? It was anyone's guess really where that man was. Especially when he was moved unwillingly. "Ughhhhh....What happened? Where am I?" The stirring voice of her partner both relived and frustrated Marinette. At least he was nearby. The question was where though? He wasn't in her sights at all. Mari began to fidget with her fingers, only to come to the understanding that her wrists were bound with rope behind her back. Brilliant.

"Chat? You back there?" She questioned, hoping that he was on the other side of the metal support pole she was tied to.

"Your guess is as good as mine." He replied, his voice starting to come out of its tired daze. Perhaps he was in another area of the room that she couldn't see.

"I can't believe your cousin played us again."

"I can. He's got an outstanding intellect, and when he sees something he wants, he doesn't hesitate to go after it."

"Unlike someone I know."

"You realize you don't have any room to talk right?"

"I know." She let the words sink in. Perhaps Adrien would change the conversation? When he didn't, Mari continued. Chat was probably waiting for her to elaborate. "I just, I wasn't able to bring myself to talk to you, and once I did, I worried it would be impossible to keep you around." For a brief moment everything settled. This in turn allowed Adrien an opening to reach for her hand. Apparently he was right behind her. Being indecisive about whether or not she should accept the gesture, Marinette retracted her fists and continued with her explanation. "So, I gave up. Decided to accept my fate rather than fight against it." That night had been the biggest regret of her life. Haunting her like an embarrassing memory no one wants to remember. Except, this made her do more than cringe. It broke her down to bitterness; with herself. "I guess I was right to do so."

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