Chapter 20

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             There was no sight of Marinette in the living room when Adrien finally cooled off enough to leave his bedroom. It wasn't fair of him to blow up on her. Yet, at the same time he felt betrayed. Situations like she explained were the type of situations that couples were supposed to talk out. He understood what she was going through, or at least some of it. The question was, why she felt like she couldn't come to him. He had always been there for her, so what changed? By now it was past noon and the agents had done nothing with their day but argue. That being said, Adrien decided it was about time he did some work. Liam was seated in the center of the couch, he too, apparently lost in thought. He had papers strewn over the coffee table, stacks upon stacks, each about an inch or two high.

"Chat Noir."

"Fraser." They acknowledged one another as Adrien stepped into the room and took a seat on the recliner across from the other agent. The sunshine illuminated the room. A yellow tinged sheen was over the furniture, making the space appear as if it felt warm and airy. In reality, it was chilly and tense. Adrien and Liam were men at odds. In what circumstance would they not be? Especially when Liam went out of his way to betray them to the enemy. Part of that was their fault for trusting the guy in the first place, Agreste had to admit, but still. However, it wasn't fair for Adrien to judge. As far as he knew Liam was in on it the entire time and the agents had fallen for the trap before they even knew one was set. Almost like competing in a race, but you got a late start because you missed the referee yell go. Seemed to be a common theme throughout this mission.

"I assume you're not out here for company."

"I can't decide if I should congratulate you on your observation or degrade you for asking a question with such an obvious answer."

"Someone is in a mood." Adrien's gaze shifted to the window with a huff. He didn't need to be told twice.

"Just tell me what the next step is. I thought you guys had a deadline here." Quickly, he changed the subject. Agreste wasn't the type to express his feelings. He'd never been very good at it apparently. He hadn't the strength to hold his own in such battles, leading to the fact that he'd been tossed about like a puppet by everyone he knew. Gradually, he was growing in his ability to share his emotions, but somehow they still always got him into trouble. The past few days for example. Granted he'd kind of done so indirectly with side-commentary, not so settle gestures, and facial expressions; but nonetheless it was a step.

"British Intelligence has an undercover formal tonight to entrap Denni. Supposedly, she's supposed to meet with someone there. Would you happen to know anything at all?"

"Wait what!? You're telling me you're not actually on Monica's side?"

"That's not really the point. Keep up here." Dang it Agreste, he tricked you again. Quit falling into the traps of deception.

"She's likely meeting with one of Hawkmoth's representatives. They're usually his closest alliances." The nearest any agent had gotten to Hawkmoth was in capturing his representatives. Majority of the time, they too escaped, due to their ability to stay in the shadows much like their boss. However, there was one or two that were revealed, at least by their alias. Mayura for one. There were other names circling about, but none of those had been confirmed yet. The question now, was which one could it be?

"What do you suggest we do then?"

"You're asking what my plan is?" Was this guy that stupid? He thought Liam was very good at making observations. Clearly, Adrien was not. "That feels like more of a question to throw at my partner rather than me."

"You keep this up I might just have to."

"Well that was harsh."

"You're the one that implied you couldn't come up with a plan."

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