Chapter 17

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                   Mari shivered. The intensity of the cold wasn't what she'd anticipated. An now all she wanted to do was get back in the car to warm up. She tried not to wrap her arms around herself to continue the facade that she was fine, just as she had told her partner, but the colder she got the more tempted she became. Her dress swished as she walked creating a miniature breeze to flow through the slits up the sides to make her legs cold beneath the floor length fabric. An un-welcome discomfort when she could feel herself going numb. Having put her hair up, Mari's neck was also exposed. She really didn't think this one through did she?

"You're cold aren't you?"

"No. I'm fine." The pair continued on, Marinette doing her best to push through. Her plans were foiled though when Adrien draped his jacket over her shoulders. Wait, Adrien draped his jacket over her shoulders!? Instinctively, she pulled the fabric tighter around her chest. What was up with his generosity today? First it was opening doors and coffee, then it was compliments, and now his jacket? "What about you?" She inquired softly.

"I'm fine. It's a short walk to and from the parking lot." She should have grabbed that sweater. Mari knew he was only teasing, but nevertheless she hated it that he'd been right. Eventually they reached the front door. Stopping at the stairs, they turned back to look for Monica and Liam. There was no sight of them in the faint light that filtered from inside. Streetlights also did little for their visibility as well. Marinette remained close to her partner. Potentially too close for either of their comforts, though Adrien didn't move away or tense up. Almost as if he wanted her there. Perhaps it was because he was now starting to get cold and she had his jacket. He should have thought about that. Mari smiled to herself, maybe she'd been right after all. Her thoughts were derailed when Adrien shifted, his hands coming out of his pockets and crossing over his chest. "Well, well, well, look who finally showed up." The woman followed her partner's gaze to their right. Sure enough Monica Denni strolled towards them, locked arm in arm with Liam. Monica's dress was a simple full length black chiffon evening dress. Rows of pearl beading adding bling to the jewel style neckline. When Mari noticed the slit up Monica's dress, she couldn't help but hope that the criminal was just as cold as she was, or colder.

"We said we'd meet you on the dot. You've showed up essentially five minutes early." Monica responded coming closer.

"I thought you couldn't be seen in person." Marinette pointed out. Wasn't that the whole reason that she and Adrien were pulling off the heist and not the hired thief and killer herself?

"I can't."

"Then why are you going in there?"

"We've had a change of plan. Thanks to Liam, we've managed to get into the museum security footage. I'm going to slip away into the bathroom and give you cues from there."

"Couldn't you do that from the back of the van?"

"No. I can't let you steal the show can I?" With a smug look on her face, Monica and Liam passed them by.

"Uhg......that woman drives me nuts!" Mari exclaimed twisting on her heels to watch them go.

"Okay, is there some mutual woman to woman hate going on there or.....did I miss something?" Adrien blurted.

"Potentially. Just some of the things she does sends me up the wall." Of course, that wasn't entirely true. Something about the interaction she'd seen between Monica and Adrien rubbed her the wrong way. The way in which that woman went about presenting herself in a threatening manner towards Marinette, rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Dupain-Cheng liked to be in control. If she didn't have a plan going into something or at least have the overall say in the matter she wasn't pleased with it. Thinking about it now, this was something that Monica and Marinette shared. Now she wasn't going to become a psycho if things hadn't gone her way like her rival did, as evidenced by the fact this woman murdered her ex boyfriend, but she would get a little upset. Ladybug was a leader, not a follower. An if someone dared to challenge that position they were likely to get some push back. As Chat had figured out. That was something that they both needed to learn how to get around though. Mari needed to be more willing to take a back seat and follow him, while he needed to take charge.

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