Chapter 7

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                    It was amazing what binds Adrien was able to get Marinette and himself out of. For whatever reason, the car that Adrien's aunt had let him use was her late husband's vehicle. Unfortunately, the vehicle wouldn't start. An yet, though Adrien knew almost nothing about cars, he was doing everything he could to get it started. Better him than Marinette, she truly knew nothing about cars. About the only thing she did know about the automotive was how to drive it. The woman waited patiently in the car as the men worked, flipping through the files of their case once more. Nothing outside of what they already knew jumped out to her. In a matter of about an hour or so, with help from Jenson, Adrien managed to get the car up and running. Mari was just happy that they finally had a ride. The pair had already wasted enough time getting to the location of their mission, now it was time to get started on it.

"So,what's the plan?" Mari asked as Adrien sat down in the driver's seat and strapped himself in.

"We head down to the Lawrence mansion and get as much information as we can from him." He replied, flipping his shades down and twisting to watch over his shoulder.

"I know that. You don't need to get smart with me." The woman argued noticing that her partner's right hand had reached across and was resting on the back of her head rest.

"Who said I was being smart with you?"

"How about you just drive, before I knock you upside the head." Mari huffed. She didn't have the time for his sass today. Nor the mood to be patient with him.

"Brutal M'lady." Adrien remarked, turning forward and switching the gear from reverse to drive.

"You do not have the right to call me that anymore."

"You're right. I apologize." The response seemed genuine, aside from the fact that he didn't turn his gaze from the road to look her in the eyes as he said it.

"Good." The discussion was immediately dropped as Adrien turned the car onto the main road. Why were things so complicated between them!? Last night Marinette was finally able to face her partner, but this morning she could hardly stand to be around him. The only explanation she could come up with being that she subconsciously wanted to talk to him. It made sense really. She was attached to this man. After all they had spent the past six years together, a year and a half of which they had been dating. Just because they had separated six months ago, didn't mean they had lost everything that came before that. Did it? Marinette wasn't sure, but her indecision on how she truly felt about Chat Noir was causing them to get into some strange situations. Last night for example. Why had she asked him that? His answer had been so clear and open. Yet, Marinette couldn't figure out what he was trying to say to her on a deeper level. It had left her unable to sleep even a wink last night. It must have not meant anything to Adrien since he slept soundly until noon. Which was a bit odd, knowing that her partner was more of a morning person. Then again she was likely to be jumping to conclusions, as she often did. Before long the vehicle arrived at the Lawrence mansion. The black mailbox with the name neatly inscribed on it barely escaping Mari's line of sight. "Right here Chat."

"I know. Relax LB." Adrien countered her, turning the car into the driveway. Thankfully, there wasn't a security gate and the two agents were able to freely pass through and head towards the house. If there had been, the pair would have had to find another way around, or an excuse. Maneuvering around the round about, Adrien braked in front of the front door where a valet was waiting. Upon getting out of the car, Adrien was just as dramatic as usual. Stepping out like a first time reveal of a protagonist in a film. Sunglasses still down over his eyes and everything. He was such a dork. Ah...focus Marinette.It was go time now. Time to step into their personas. "Merci monsieur. " Chat Noir said tossing the keys to the valet before waiting on Ladybug to join him. Together, Ladybug and Chat went into the house. It was dark but elegant. The rooms decorated in an old english and rustic style. Not Ladybug's taste, though she didn't mind it either. Hearing children's laughter from what the agents presumed was the backyard, the two decided to head in that direction. The backyard was phenomenal! The grass was a bright green, trees evenly disbursed around the space. So much so that the yard still seemed spacious and pretty and yet, not too cluttered. A gazebo was close to the house sheltering quite a few guests, or at least Ladybug assumed they were guests. If they weren't than Mr. Lawrence had a very big family. A large group of children were in the center of the yard playing on a long slip n' slide that stretched down the hill almost to an open field. It honestly looked fun, and knowing how adventurous and playful her partner was, Ladybug was pretty positive that he was jealous.

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