Chapter 6

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               Truthfully, Adrien hadn't been impressed with his abilities to convince his cousin to let the two of them stay in his home. The man hadn't even seen his aunt yet in the time span between their arrival and now. It was now well past eight p.m. and the young Agreste had decided to wind down for the evening outside on the balcony behind the dining room. The air was crisp and cold, leaving a sting on his bare arms as they rested on the metal railing. A hot cup of tea warming his palms.He could feel the steam on his chin, the vague scent of mint reaching his nose with every breath he took. Of course, that didn't make the drink any more appetizing than it already was. Adrien didn't care too much for tea, it wasn't something he fancied on his flavor palette.However, tonight was a bit of a different story. There had only been two drink choices available to him due to the strict rules and picky desires of his extended family, leaving him between the choices of water or tea. Adrien opted for the tea.

"Is there a specific reason you've wandered out here?" Adrien peered over his shoulder to find Marinette behind him between the doors. Her own cup of tea in hand.

"Not necessarily." He replied returning his gaze to the hillside behind the house. He didn't have to look to know that she had walked up beside him, taking up her own position beside the rail. Silence fell between them, the only vocalizations to be heard coming from the whisper of the wind and the rustling of the trees.

"Can I ask you something?" Marinette finally spoke up, breaking the quiet.

"I don't see why not?" Adrien answered, turning his gaze towards her on his left. The fact that she was even talking to him was enough reason for Adrien to hear what she had to say. For the past two days all the conversations they had experienced were aggressive and sour.He wasn't about to waste an opportunity to speak with Marinette in a civilized manner. The last time they had done such was six or seven months ago when they were still together.

"Why do you and your family have such a hard time getting along?" Mari inquired.

"Isn't that a bit of a personal question?"

"I know, I just..." She cut off for a moment, obviously unsure of how to continue.

"It's alright. I understand. My family and I have a strange relationship.That's for sure."

"An yet you're close enough to expose your other relationships?" So that's what this was truly about. The fact that he had opened up to his cousin about his and Mari's relationship.

"Of course. I need someone to confide in and have my back. I'm close with my cousin believe it or not." The mood was beginning to turn sour.What was it to her anyway?

"There's Nino."

"Your best friend can only do so much Mari. I know my family isn't ideal,but in the end, every once in a while they're there for me to fall back on." It was kind of a half truth in reality. Yes, Nino was Adrien's go to confidant, but at the time Nino had so much going on that Adrien felt guilty for adding another thing to the pile. So,instead he turned to his next best option, Felix. What else was he supposed to do? Wallow in his pain and suffer through it? She went quiet, her blue eyes shifting down to the tea in her mug. Letting the moment pass, Adrien resumed his position leaning over the rail and gazing over the landscape.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"You know....I didn't mean for this to happen." Her voice was soft again, drawing Adrien in. Why did she have this effect on him!? "I never meant to hurt you." She paused again, focusing carefully to choose her words. "I guess this is just my way of checking that you're okay." That came as a surprise. The blonde would have never guessed that she cared about him at all based on her actions since the day they split ways. However, it was logical. Marinette was very sweet and kind. Though, she did have her moments.

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