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    Kieran got sick. Really sick. After his breakdown, he went to lie down but never got back up; he was burning in and out a heavy fever. Whatever happened to him that day really affected him, I just don't know what happened. So in the meantime of a whole bunch of thinking, I've been multitasking between taking care of him and myself.

    I'd make breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday in case he woke up and also for myself. I tidied the house everyday to keep myself distracted and cleaned myself up at the end of the day. It was the same schedule until he woke up.

    I had the first aid kit scattered around the sink counter as I held my shirt up with my mouth and applied bruising cream to all of my heavy bruises before covering them with square patches. It hurt like shit, thanks to him. I dropped my shirt and did the same thing to my arms and legs. I disinfected the cuts on my face again and covered them with bandaids.

    I was actually starting to look a lot better. I still had noticeable marks basically everywhere but they were looking a whole lot better and it made me feel good.

    Once I finished, I threw all of my scraps away and cleared my area up before leaving the bathroom. It was really quiet in the house with him sick and all, even if it was always quiet it just seemed quieter.
    I walked to the edge of the bed where Kieran was and knelt down, moving loose strands of hair from his face. The devil is handsome. I put a hand on his forehead. His fever's gotten a bit better. I sighed, standing back up and going to the closet to grab the dirty clothes.

    His closet was a dream every fashionista wanted. It was basically an entirely new room or studio. To be honest, I never really looked through the whole thing or the whole house because of the cameras but since they're off, it wouldn't hurt to look around a little.

    I ran my hands along all of the clothes that screamed wealthy and let my eyes wander along the very modern room. Kieran was a very modern person. I looked through the drawers and didn't really find anything special. More clothes. I pulled at one drawer but it didn't open.
    I furrowed my eyebrows pulling harder at the drawer until it finally budged open. A couple of things fell and I realized he set those there in a specific way in case I opened it and I did. Shit.

    I pick the things up and set them on top of the dressers. I pulled out the single folder that was in the drawer and flipped it open, taking out all of the papers inside.
    I frowned at the sight of my parents' names and my own listed under the loan shark they used. This is how he found me. My mom borrowed from a popular loan shark named Daren Callow who was also wanted. I've heard his name a couple times while working at the club.

    I threw that set of papers aside and continued looking through the rest. It was a bunch of files on the penthouse that included everything but an address or zip code. He's smart. Of course Kieran wouldn't leave those on paper let alone anywhere. I was going to shove everything back inside and leave but I stopped when a smaller paper stuck out to the side.

    I pulled the picture out and froze. A woman, a man and two kids were pictured together in a very old fashioned family photo. No one was smiling. And the more I looked at the little boy in the bottom left corner, the more I saw Kieran. Is this his family photo? Why would he have it here?
    I tried to think back at any picture I saw of the Knight Industries including one of the people in the picture but none of them rang a bell. It has to be him. He has the same birthmarks and everything.

    A new bell suddenly rang in my head. I lowered the picture trying to focus on my thoughts. He never talked about his family, ever. I bit my lip. What if they're what made him break down so drastically. Not everyone has a good relationship with their families and rich people sure do have a reputation for it. I sighed and looked back at the picture.
    My lips curled into a humble smile.

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