Uninvited Guests

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Oh you stupid asshole, why would you try that? You know she doesn't like you even a little, not at all. She might, I can make her. It could change. I leaned down and ran my hands down my face and through my hair. Let's just forget about it.

"Mr. Knight," My driver said, "Mrs. Ho would like to know if you'd be able to meet earlier this morning,".

"That's fine," I answered, stepping out of the car and into the Knights building.

It was busier than usual today, for some strange reason and of course paparazzi hidden in the bushes as they took pictures. I always knew where they were, it was stupid how careless they were. I passed the main floor and was escorted to the highest floor where my own office was. I always preferred the highest floor that way nothing was a hazard above me and I had a view of everything below me.

I entered the large office and went to my desk. I looked out of the window and saw Mrs. Ho exiting her car. She's really early. At least it gives me something to distract my head with and not on this morning.

"The papers for this meeting Mr. Knight," My assistant said as he handed me a small stack of papers.

I reviewed them. Business renewal contract except she wants to do 5 years instead of 3 years. Construction agreements...etc. So boring. 

"Mrs. Ho has arrived," my assistant notified.

"Let her in,".

Seconds later a taller pale woman with long thin straight hair walked in. She had her shades on, her purse dangling from her arm and a bright red lipstick getting everyone's attention. She walked in and smiled politely.

"Kieran," She greeted.

I stepped around my desk and hugged her with one arm and greeted her with a single kiss to the cheek.

"Mrs. Ho, you look great. How are you?".

She set her purse down, "Oh darling you're too kind. I'm doing just fine,".

"That's great," I smiled and sat on my chair.

"I assume you took a look at the things I wanted to discuss with you today?" She asked as she crossed her legs and removed her sunglasses.

"Yes, just now. It all looks fine to me, I'll just have to send it to my accountant for the expenses approval," I explained.

"Right," She sighed, "As if you don't have money to spend,".

"Everyone strives to spend less and save more," I said.

"I suppose," She said with pursed lips, "Though, I really want you to consider the new building additions Kieran. It'll benefit the both of us plus, you know I'd never drag you down an unfortunate path. I want the best for both of us,".

"As do I. I'm ready to sign the agreement. It just has to go to accounting. You know, rules are rules,". I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips together. Mrs. Ho was a petite woman, late 30's but noticeably worn out. Her husband constantly cheated on her and when she found out the first time, she was a wreck. She used to be this fragile woman but now she's tough as rocks and takes shit from no one. Not even her husband. I'll give it to her.

"Old man is out of business yet he still lingers around," She stated, "How unfortunate,".

"Agreed," I sighed.

Her eyes moved to my own, she narrowed them at me and leaned back in the chair, "I've been hearing about you more than usual lately,".


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