We Meet Again

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I set two cups of instant ramen on the counter as Camile and I waited for them to be ready. She was on the couch scrolling through her phone munching on some chips and I walked out of the kitchen to the living room. I plopped down next to her and rested my head on her lap, she moved her leg aside to make it more comfortable, I shut my eyes and quietly hummed.

    So after all, I wasn't able to get the man from last night out of my head. Camile and I went out today and did a lot and he's still floating in my thoughts. More like invading actually. But now I kind of began to forget about him because it's easy for me to forget about the people I've met at the club.

"Do you know what floor you're working on today?" Camile asked.

"Mm, I think Purple Paradise,".

Camile squealed and pinched my cheeks, "Same floor!".

I laughed and messed her hair up, "I hope so,".

I got up and walked over to the counter grabbing both of the ramens and then back to the couch. We finished a couple minutes later and were now hanging out being lazy and whatnot. Camile and I became close friends after I started to work at Midnight. She was the one who taught me about the floors and showed me the ropes of everything. Then next thing we know, we're living together in a 2 bedroom apartment. She's such a sweetheart. Whenever I'm in a low she never fails to bug me and keep me from getting stuck in my head. It's the little things.

"Shit!" Camile exclaimed, "It's 7:30!"

Her and I scrambled to our feet and rush to our rooms to get ready. I grabbed a black shirt that slightly hugged my body, black jeans and slipped my shoes on, snatching a sweater for later in the night. I lightly touched up my makeup and clipped my hair back.

"Are you almost ready?!" I called to Camile.


Once I was ready and Camile too, we made sure everything was turned off and started on our way to the club.

    We barely made it, I mean it was 8 by the time we parked. Thankfully Emanuel was busy somewhere else than here to scold us. We walked inside and headed for the bar where Andrew was already there. I gave him a gummy smile as I walked past him. Right as we entered the bar, Emanuel walks by already looking stressed.

Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed.

    The club opened at 9 and it was busy right off the bat, the Purple floor was already beginning to get crowded and because it was Saturday, well, let's just say it was Saturday.
    I was working the left end of the bar towards the middle drying some cups when a loud crash came from the seating area. I look up and see a couple of guys getting heated in the back.

    I put the cups down and leave the bar, going to the commotion, it wasn't even 10:30 and these people were acting like idiots. I walk up the three steps to the seating area and approached the two guys.

"Hey, if you're gonna act like this take it outside," I yell through the music which didn't get their attention at all.

I place a hand on one of the guy's arms trying to push them away from the other but he only got closer, I look back to check for any other workers but I saw no one. More pushing grabbed my attention; almost knocking me over. See, they were taller and bigger and I couldn't handle two of them at the same time.

"Okay, you're done," I mumbled to myself and push myself between them pushing one back through their yelling.

I was about to get him down the stairs when I was roughly pushed and sent me flying down the stairs. Happening so suddenly, I didn't even have time to react. I land on my elbows that burned against the sleek floor and since he pushed me so hard I slid against the floor.

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