The Bathroom (1)

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    I gave up trying to keep count of the days I've been locked in this bathroom. I gave up trying to take care of myself. If I moved away from the corner I felt safest in, my heart would physically hurt. Besides, it's not like I could even move well anyways.

    I gave up.

    Kieran didn't hold back the wrath inside him. If anything, what he showed me was just a glimpse of his devilish side and to be frank...I never wanted to see it again. My fear of Kieran was greater than my will to escape. God. Thinking about it made me want to throw up.

    I curled my body and shut my eyes tight. I can still feel it. The fear overthrowing my body to the point where I went paralyzed. I furrowed my eyebrows reaching down to pinch my arm, one again. Leaving a scar next to all of the other ones. The fear was so strong it made my soul crawl out of my body, leaving me alone in the presence of Kieran. So strong that sleeping it off wasn't enough to make it go away because I'd still feel it in my dreams, vividly. In order to get rid of it I'd need to be reborn. At least.

    I opened my eyes once the uncomfortable sensation settled, staring at the vast marble floor that was the most comforting thing I had here. If I could cry I would but there were no more tears left for me to cry. I was sucked dry. Left to actually deal with my thoughts.

    He's going to come back.

    He's going to beat me again.

    He's going to...kill me.

    Kill me. Kill me. Kill you.

    I grabbed on the scalp of my hair, yanking down on it in an effort to yank my thoughts out too. Not because they were just noisy but probably because they were true and I wanted to believe they weren't.

    He. Kieran...god I can't even think about him. I twisted my head away from the thoughts and pushed myself up so I was leaning against the corner wall. My weak, aching head swayed side to side watching the room tilt. Once everything was steady I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, calming my racing heart. I leaned my head against the wall and looked down at my spreaded out legs, covered in bruises.

    My body was an art piece made from Kieran's fists.

    I reached out and gently traced over the dark bruising getting an irritating pain in return. I sighed and pulled my hand back to my lap. They still hurt. Sigh after sigh, I waited. For him.

    Kieran came twice a day, on a good day. Only to drop food off. Breakfast with snacks for lunch and then dinner. Never opened the door entirely, just slid the food right by and left. Prison clockworks. I had no appetite to eat after the beat down I received from him. Besides, even if I wanted to eat, my stomachs pain didn't have the strength to hold any food down. Kieran eventually caught on and was considerate enough to swap the food out with smoothies. I had a couple.

    I've been trying my hardest to stand up but my legs always gave out on me and it hurt like shit. My stomach knotted every time I tried to use my upper body strength to lift myself up. And on top of that I was just straight up weak. So, I was stuck on this floor whether I liked it or not.

    I winced at a sudden wave of shocking pain bouncing back and forth in my body. My hand grabbed the hem of the shirt desperately trying to block the pain. My eyes shut tightly as I held my breath until the pain ceased. I breathed heavily. This shit hurts too much, my whole body feels broken.

    I didn't hear the bedroom door open but I heard the steps of Kieran get closer to the door. My head snapped up right and my body instantly tried its best to scoot farther into the corner. The door beeped followed by the snap of the door unlocking. My heart didn't try to calm itself down.

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