First Encounter

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Only two hours have passed and here I was thinking at least 4 hours have passed, which meant that tonight was going to be more than busy and exhaustingly long but safe to say - I'm great working these nights. And to make matters even more thrilling, I have the pretty yet subtle feeling of someone watching me still lingering around. What a great start to the night.

"Thank you." The group said.

"Yeah! No Problem!" I exhale, and turned around with the tray under my arm.

I push the small door to the back bar open and set the platter on the counter. Just a couple more hours. Thinking about it now, I was more than ready to put my comfy clothes on and pass out the second I hit my bed.

    It's not the work that's doing all the draining here but the piercing eyes that haven't let my body, that was enough to tire me out.
    I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear and rested my hands on my hips before going back to getting orders.

"You look exhausted." someone chuckled at me. I look to my left and was met with Meek. A tall man with a great build, gold skin and hazel eyes with curly hair.

It's like the universe knew I needed to see him. I sigh and let my shoulders fall, "You have no idea."

"Are you alright?" He asks, reaching for a glass under the counter.

"Yeah, I should be."

Meek sets his cup down and leans awfully close to me, locking eyes.

"You can be honest with me."

I laugh, "I'm fine."

He purses his lips before leaning away and bumping shoulders with me. I've known him for a little over a year now and still haven't seen any of his flaws, inside and out. Meek's playful and gentle personality only added to his wonderful characteristics, on top of his good looks. He was winning at life.

"How is your-" And before I could finish, a yelling voice comes from behind me.

"Noor! Noor!" I turn to the noise and see Ophelia rushing over taking off her apron.

Ophelia was the opposite of her name, she had bright green hair, several piercings and tattoos, slightly taller than myself; at least 5'5. She just started working here last month. Great at her job, enthusiastic, friendly and secretive. Making daily breaks to pick up phone calls that only made her more anxious than need be, but it wasn't any of our business. As she'd say.


"Can you cover my section really quick? I have to take this call." She asked.

"Of course, are you on the other side of the bar?" I ask, and she nods.

She rushed out within seconds, Meek and I give each other a side look.

"Well, I'll see you." Meek says with a charming smile, "Let me know if you need help."

I smile. He's so cute.

Blue Clover being the best floor as usual, had a wrap around bar that circled around a giant lava lamp structure and had two bartender sections. One for each side. I circled around the bar and met a couple of new barmaids; some familiar faces too. And when I saw someone I knew, I walked over to them.

"Is Ophelia okay?" I asked him.

He looks at me for a brief moment then sighed, "I don't know."

I hummed,"Let's just keep an eye on her."

He nods. I tilt my head to the side and intensively watch him focus on his cup until he gives into my pressuring stare,

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