Chapter 64 : Aboard the Hogwart Express

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,, Be sure to write us as often as you can..." said Bellatrix, as she brought the three white-haired teens into a hug. ,, I don't care if it's unimportant things or just mentionings of your studies and Exams...... I just want to make sure you three are doing all right."

,, We will mother..." promised the trio, hugging her back.

,, Remember to watch over one another... And Castor, Pollux, I don't want another owl in the House because you decided it was a funny idea to flood the bathrooms with the help of Peeves, is that understood?" said Rodolphus, raising an eyebrow at his oldest two sons in expectation.

,, Don't listen to him.." said Bellatrix, making a show of letting it seem like she was making a bad effort at whispering. ,, I saw the corner of his lips move when he read that one, he enjoys seeing old McGonagall annoyed, I tell you."

,, Bella...." Xavier shook his head, smiling as Rodolphus shot an unimpressed look his wife's way, Rabastan smirking lazily as he said. ,, Oh yeah... I remember that one. A classic move."

,, You aren't helping by encouraging their Pranks, brother." said Rodolphus, the twins sharing a grin.

,, Don't worry-"

,, We promise-"

,, We won't ever flood the bathrooms again!" They chimed, crossing their fingers behind their backs, which Bellatrix saw and cackled at.

Celestia smiled as she watched her family, glad to see them enjoying themselves so freely.....

A hand was gently placed on her shoulder, and she didn't have to move to know it belonged to Tom, who was also quietly watching the rest of their weird mixture of a family.

,, Take care... and call should anything happen." He told her, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

She leaned into his side, offering him a comforting hug as she gave a nod as her answer.........

While the two now had a family that accepted them and cared about them deeply, they still were plagued by their pasts as lonely Orphans who held deep resentment and hatred against the rest of the world.

Through their misery and pain, they had no one but themselves, which is why they felt closest to each other.

Their shared fears and pain were what made them feel responsible for one another....

And they would rather see the rest of the world burn down to ashes than watch the other die.

,, Be careful...." advised Arcturus, looking down at his Great-nephew with tired grey eyes. ,, Queen Odessa cursed not only the cup but also those who dare try involving themselves with this event...."

Regulus looked at him, noticing just how tired and sick he seemed......

He knew that Arcturus was old... even for Wizarding standards.......and it made him worry...

,, Of course, grandfather......." He said, bowing his head, and turning around to walk into the Hogwarts Express, offering his arm to Celestia, as she walked up to him with Fred and George following behind her, Fenris and Chrome trotting after them.

She took his arm with a thankful nod, Bi-colored eyes moving as she tried to find the rest of their group.

,, Theo and Blaise should be at our usual Compartment....... So the others will be-"

,, Right here!" said Hannah, as she and Susan made their way towards their group, followed by a relieved-looking Aiden and Hunter.

,, It's so good to see you guys again." exclaimed Susan as she brought Celestia into a hug.

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