Chapter 60 : Ireland or Bulgaria ?

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In a matter of seconds, the six males found themselves standing on what appeared to be a deserted stretch of misty moor. In front of them stood a pair of tall and intimidating-looking Wizards, one of whom was holding a Silver Pocket Watch with the Bulgarian Ministry Symbol engraved in it, the other a thick roll of parchment and a quill, another, just in the color red, was floating beside his head, the fact seemingly not bothering him in the slightest. Both were dressed as Muggles, yet still somewhat formal: They both were dressed in black suits, Pins that identified them as members of the Bulgarian Ministry hanging onto their ties.

,, Name?" asked the one on the right, not even pretending to be nice as he stared them down one by one with a cold look in his eyes.

Fred and George suppressed a shudder, the feeling of his Aura surrounding them promising pain if they dared to deceive him...

Xavier stepped forward, seeing as Celestia had entrusted him with most of the information concerning this matter. ,, A Campsite reservation under the last name, Strange."

The male with the roll of parchment took a look at the one in his hold before casting a glance at the red scroll floating next to him.

,, Strange..... Strange...... Yes... Personal Invitation by the Minister, correct ?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at their group.

Getting an invitation from the Minister of all must have probably already been something that made people furrow their brows in confusion...

But six Mages, that obviously did not share much of a family relation with each other, was definitely even more confusing.

Especially since the last name 'Strange' was not recognizable in the Wizarding Community.

,, Yes....." answered Rabastan, offering the male a fake smile. ,, A gift to my niece...... as a token of a newly established friendship, if you will."

The two Wizards exchanged glances, but otherwise made no move to address their formerly shown curiosity.

,, About a quarter of a mile's walk over there, the third field you come to. The name of the Site Manager is Miller.... Middle-aged No-Maj with brown hair, wears glasses and always has a bag with candy and toys for small children next to him." said the male with the parchment. ,, You won't miss him."

Rabastan offered him another smile. ,, Thank you.. have a nice day." with that he turned in the direction he had shown them to and headed off, the rest of their group following after him.

As soon as they were a good distance away from the two Wizards, Rabastan's smile dropped and immediately got replaced by a sneer. ,, Good for nothing piece of shit......... Had I not just gotten out of Azkaban I would have gladly practiced some of the Unforgivables on him." He muttered through gritted teeth, his annoyance and anger leaking off of his Aura in waves.......

While it may have seemed like Rabastan was the most approachable out of the Lestranges, it was actually a very, very dangerous miscalculation on anyone thinking so.

Rabastan Lestrange had always been a keen Master of Observation, his cunning nature and his ambitions making it easy for him to earn the skill of adapting to his surroundings in any situation, making him feared by even those of his own house.

He often pretended to be easy-going and welcoming, hiding his true feelings and intentions as he slowly broke down the walls of defense others had put up.

No one had ever managed to catch on to his act.......

Besides one Eliza Grindelwald, who had only spared him one glance upon their first meeting and then told him with the dullest of expressions. ,, If you truly want to fool me with that smile of your's you have to put more effort into it...... Even my younger brother isn't as obvious as you when expressing his emotions, and that is saying something since he can't lie to anyone for the life of him."

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