Chapter 8 : Talks about Quidditch and a Vision

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Several days later an excited Hunter was practically skipping towards Celestia's Chambers, a Note clutched between his fingers, which was also the cause of his excitement.

He opened the girl's doors, entering her Chambers without a care in the world as Aiden and Regulus shot him questioning looks, both boys sitting on armchairs with a book in their hands, Celestia laying in her bed deep asleep with a book beside her head and Chrome sprawled across her stomach.

It was the weekend, which meant no classes and a lot of time to spare.

Celestia had worked the entire night on a project and fell asleep shortly after Regulus and Aiden had come to her room, too tired to function properly...

The boys didn't mind, gently placing her on her bed as they sat down to read in peace. A Peace that was disturbed by the arrival of Hunter.

,, What has gotten you so excited ?" asked Aiden, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Hunter in such a good mood was never a good sign this early into the day.

It usually meant he had managed to take someone else's money away from them swithout their notice, or through gambling.......

The Ravenclaw grinned brightly, showing them the Note. ,, Flying lessons are starting Thursday! " He told them, excitement radiating off of him in waves.

,, Geh........ Flying...?" Aiden repeated, suddenly looking green in the face.

The boy maybe didn't mind sitting on a broom.....

But heights were definitely not his cup of tea...

,, Please tell me we don't have shared lessons with the other Houses." Regulus said, not wanting to be anywhere near a broom when Gryffindors were close.

Sadly not even two weeks into the first term the Slytherins were already getting Pranked and Hexed by older students, most of them from Gryffindor.

Regulus had a main target on his back, for being the son of Sirius Black, and was often sought after because of it..

Though he managed to escape most of the time thanks to the help of the Bloody Baron and the Prefects, he did not want to risk anything and possibly die because someone Jinxed his Broom.

He had already given Celestia a fright once when he arrived to class with a bloody nose and several strands of hair on fire..... He didn't want to repeat it.

The boys talked for a while until Celestia woke up and was informed about the Flying lessons.

,, Oh dear......... I have never been one for heights.. Not to mention that I've never flown on a broom before." She said, Chrome nodding and patting her arm for comfort.

,, Well it'll be just Flying lessons and thankfully not anything like Quidditch." said Aiden, relieved that he wasn't the only one in their group who didn't like Flying.

Celestia blinked at the name, tilting her head in confusion. ,, Quidditch...?....."

She had seen many Visions of the Wizarding World and even some interactions with certain Objects.....

But for the life of it, she had never heard about something named Quidditch!

,, It's the most popular Wizarding Sport we have-" Regulus explained, noticing her confusion. ,, The main object of the game is scoring more points than your opponent. Each Goal scores ten points and catching the Golden Snitch is worth One-Hundred and fifty, which also ends the Game."

Celestia found it slightly weird, but then again she was never too fond of any kind of sport, even those the No-Majes offered.

Tom was the same, which is why he hadn't bothered explaining Wizarding Sports to her, focusing more on the Cultural Aspect....

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