wisdom teeth

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name: ava

i am on the way to the orthodontist, today i'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out. it was seven in the morning and i'm currently sitting in the back seat with billie as my mom drives us there.

"im nervous" i sulk into my seat a little

"you have nothing to be worried about" billie says looking at me rubbing her thumb over my hand that is holding hers

"i feel like i might say something stupid" i say lowly

"it will be fine, i was crawling on the ground saying i'm an animal when i got mine out" she teased with a small laugh

"not helping bil" i grumble making her laugh more

"it will be okay, i promise" she kissed my cheek making me smile

"if you say so" i sigh looking out the window

we finally make it to the orthodontist, checking in and everything. we were in the waiting area with two other people who seemed like waiting moms. thank god billie won't get recognized by them, it's seven in the morning and too early for her to be mobbed or something.

"ava" the nurse calls out

"shit" i say under my breath

"it will be okay, we'll be here when you get out" billie hugs me

i hug my mom too before going back into the room beginning to prep for the procedure.

billies pov

it's two hours later and a nurse comes out to say ava's done with her procedure and we can see her now. her mom and i get up, walking back to the room where she's at, seeing her totally out of it with gauze in her mouth.

"oh my god hi guys!" she cheers when she sees us making me giggle

"hi baby" i coo seeing her face light up "how you feeling?" i ask her

"i feel fine" she says with a shrug

she talks a little funny from the anesthesia and the gauze being in her mouth. she stays silent for a couple minutes just staring at me in awe making me laugh.

"why are you staring at me?" i question with a laugh

"you are so fucking pretty" she says slowing as if she's trying to comprehend what's happening

"ava!" her mom scolds

"oh my goooood mom, you act like i don't cuss in front of you allll the time" she stares at her mom with her brows raised

her mom just shakes her head in defeat, going on her phone. ava stares at the ceiling for a bit, looking like she is really deep in thought.

"i'm about to have a fan girl moment" she spoke before looking at me "don't judge me" she says sassily putting her hand up at me

"what do you mean love?" i ask her confused

she sits back in her chair wide eyed.

"billie eilish is my girlfriend" she says in shock making my eyebrows raise in amusement

i turn back and look at her mom and she meets my eyes shaking her head laughing.

"billie fucking eilish is my girlfriend" she looks at me with wide, teary eyes

"oh no what's wrong" i question with a chuckle, getting closer and bringing her into my embrace

"i don't understand how you're my girlfriend" she sobs "but i love you for it" she rubs my arm soothingly

"i love you too" i say sincerely with a light laugh

she wipes her tears before the doctors come in

"hello i'm dr. coleman, you must be the mom" he points at ava's mom "and you must be billie" he says pointing at me nonchalantly

i give him a confused look, wondering how he knows me

"ava was rambling on and on about how she wanted her girlfriend billie right after she woke up" he said explaining and making my heart melt

he then said we could go home so i attempted to try and help ava walk but she was like jelly. the nurse then brought her a wheel chair and we left.

i helped ava get into the car, buckle her seat belt, and then getting in the back with her too.

"i'm hungry bil" she says looking at me

"you can't eat yet baby, i'm sorry" i say feeling bad because she hasn't eaten in the last 24 hours because of the procedure

"i just want a smoothie billie" she says her eyes tearing up

"the doctor said she could have smoothies as long as long as she drinks it through a straw" her mom says

"yea no shit mom" ava says in a 'duh' tone

"ava don't be like that" i say to her even though i kinda wanted to laugh

"what kind of smoothie do you want" avas mom asks her

"pineapple and..." she thinks "strawberry! a medium" she says with a big smile

i laugh at her excitement before her mom handed me the smoothie. i grab a ziplock baggie and a napkin.

"alright spit out your gauze" i say holding the napkin under her chin

she spits them out onto the napkin and i put it in the ziplock baggie before giving her the smoothie.

"OH MY GOD THATS SHITS FIRE" she yells after taking a sip making me burst out laughing

"good huh" i ask and she nods as she takes another sip

"yeah" she nods "mom play 'happier than ever' please" she says side eyeing me inconspicuously

as soon as the song plays she sings and jams out to it, amusing me in the process. she sung every word as if she was at a concert. when the song ends she throws herself back into the seat sipping her smoothie.

"i love billie eilish" she says like a fan, as if i'm not sitting right next to her or her gf

goofy ass

"i love you too mamas" i say smiling and kiss her cheek

she looked at me with her eyebrows raised, looking me up and down smirking

"aye bruh this bitch tryna fuck" she says mocking me "she pulled out the 'mamas'" she giggled

"oh for the love of god" i put my face in my hands laughing

"mom play billie bossa nova" she said looking at me before putting in new gauze

she snapped as the music came on to the beat singing very lyric softly.

"i'm not sentimental but there's something 'bout the way you look toniiiigght" she sings funny making me laugh

"gosh you're so cute" i hug her listening to her sing

"i'm yours i'm yours" she sings softly "IM YOUUURRS" she screams cuddling into me

the song ends and we make it back to her house and i help her get onto the couch. since her bedroom was upstairs i didn't want to have her falling up the stairs.

so i got her favorite fuzzy blanket and a pillow, putting her on the couch. she lays down and pulls the blanket over her and i lay down too, getting under the blanket as well.

"tired?" i ask her after she yawns

"no" she whispers her eyes threatening to shut

"yes you are come here" i pull her closer to cuddle

she wraps her arms around me and her face nuzzling it's way into my neck and soon her breathing slows and she falls asleep. i soon feel tiredness wash over me and let myself slip into slumber.

{ imagines; billie eilish }Where stories live. Discover now